Trinity Family
Stewardship Drive Results
There were 114 commitments received from Trinity’s members last weekend. The total commitments made totalled $555,000. For those who made commitments, it represents an increase in their giving of $152,200 or 27%. This is a wonderful response by each of us in giving back so that Trinity can continue to reach out to bring our members, our school students and families, our community and our foreign missions One Step Closer to Jesus. There are a handful of folks who weren’t able to attend, and we’ll follow up with letters and/or calls to be sure they have an opportunity to fill out their commitment card. We thank you for thoughtful consideration of your giving to support Trinity ministry. Through the work of the Holy Spirit in this stewardship effort, our hearts were stirred in faith to rise up to the challenges that are ahead! We Thank You and Blessings to You, Robert Meyer, Stewardship Ministry Team
Focus on our Children and Youth
This Sunday begins a month of Sundays highlighting Trinity’s Children and Youth Ministry. This week children ages 3 through 10 in ALL THREE SUNDAY services will attend Children’s Church with Deaconess Liz. The children leave the church sanctuary for the sermon time so they can experience a message geared just for them. It is interactive, wiggles are allowed, and voices are encouraged. Families participate in the worship service together, with the bonus that parents can focus on Pastor Billy’s sermon assured their children are enjoying the same message.
Cookout this Sunday
Please join us after the 11 o’clock service to kick off Youth Month with a cookout. Enjoy and burger and talk with Children and Youth ministry team leaders about what the plans are for this coming year!
CDC Moving Days, June 13th and 20th
We need all the help we can get to move into the new building. Please consider giving time on either or both the 13th and 20th. We have many different jobs–something to suit every skill set. To make it easy to sign up, we’re using VolunteerSpot to organize our CDC Moving Days. Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/7bWWKK
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up!
It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot. Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone (it allows me to send thank you note and confirmations etc). If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
Pastor and Mrs. Jim Martin!
Pastor Martin’s first preaching service will be June 28, 2015. Look forward to that and give the Martins your generous support! Until then, Pastor Billy will lead us in worship on June 7 and 21, and Pastor Glander will lead our worship on June 14th!
Voters Meeting
Save the date: June 28th at 12:30 in the Sanctuary.
The 4th of July is on a Saturday–Worship Schedule Change
Due to the events that go on Downtown on the 4th, we’ve moved the Saturday evening worship service from Saturday July 4, to Friday, July 3rd at 6pm.
Buy a Brick…and be a part of Trinity’s history
For $50 you may purchase a brick that will be one of many that make up the foundation of our Trinity Courtyard to be completed with our new construction. You may have up to three lines of text engraved on your brick, 13 characters per line (including spaces, no punctuation). Proceeds will be used to fund the second CDC playground. To order your brick(s), please complete the order form in the Narthex and return to an usher, or to the main office.
Dollar War
VOTE NOW with dollars for the best hand-made paper cross on display in the Narthex. The children in Mrs. Malenke’s school art class made and designed rice paper that they then adhered to wooden crosses. They are beautiful! Which is the best? YOU DECIDE. Your monetary votes will award one creative child’s efforts, and the total collection will help purchase craft supplies for the Vacation Bible School. Voting begins on Saturday, June 6 and continues through Sunday June 21.
Earth’s Best or Beechnut Users
I haven’t shopped for baby food in 14 years, so I suppose the lack of donated glass baby food jars means baby food doesn’t come in jars. But, if I am wrong and you do have baby food jars, VBS needs 100 empty, clean, small glass baby food jars with lids. Although Trinity’s summer Vacation Bible School in July is designed for children 4-11 years old, only families with the youngest children can help with an essential art project. Please bring the jars to the church narthex and place in the “Food Donation Basket” Deaconess Liz will collect and let you all know when we’ve reached our 100 goal. You can contact: eborth@trinitydowntown.org. or telephone: 407-488-1919 X127 for more information.
Great Job Trinity!
Ted Lange and Pastor Billy, Trinity’s representatives to the LCMS Florida-Georgia District Convention, will bring a large amount of in-kind and monetary donations from our congregation as part of an “ingathering” (a donation of items benefiting others) for Redeeming Life Maternity Home in Sanford. We are good neighbors showing love and concern with our gifts.
Thrivent Action Team
If you’re a Thrivent member, and have an idea for a fundraiser for church, school, or a community need, check out the new Thrivent Action Team! You can receive $250 as seed money to start your project (fund raiser, service project, or educational event.) Go to the Thrivent website, Thrivent.com with your Password and User ID. You can do 2 projects a year (different recipients). If you need help, contact Gladys 407-658-9815, odittmer892@gmail.com. It’s a great start to any fundraiser!
Vacation Bible School
On July 20-24 come to the Jerusalem Marketplace where the life of Jesus is experienced through taste, sound, touch, and smells. There is no charge to attend, 9:00 to noon. If you need wrap around care, you may register your child with Camp Trinity – see article above. On-Line registration forms are accessed through Trinity’s website: www.trinitydowntown.com , click on the picture of the church tower, then click on the Vacation Bible School article. Paper registration forms are in the church narthex and school office. Have more questions? Contact Deaconess Liz: eborth@trinitydowntow.org or 407-488-1919 X127.
Ladies In Purple Shirts – Picnic, Play and Pray
NEXT Saturday, June 13, is the Kick Off for this group. LIPS is focused on Giving Women a group for Christian Fellowship and Mission. This group is for ALL Women but is especially focused on young women and women with young families. Bring Your Kids, Yourself and Your Significant Other or Your Best Friend: Picnic, Play and Prayer. Open to Women and “Kids” of All ages. June 13 11a-1p, at Delaney Park, Orlando Fl. Because we ALL need a little play and prayer. Check us Out on FaceBook- LIPS-Ladies in Purple Shirts. For More Info contact Jamie at jamieerp@gmail.com
Free Self Defense for Women!
The Orlando Police Department is offering a free Women’s Safety Summit, June 11, 6-8pm at the Crown Plaza Hotel, 304 West Colonial Drive. You’ll be trained by OPD on both physical and tactical techniques to be used in emergency situations. Safety vendors will be on hand to discuss prevention methods. For more information, call OPD Neighborhood Watch Unit at 407-286-2369.
A Free Week?
Each day, or maybe a day or two during the week of July 20-24, are you free to give time to Trinity’s Vacation Bible School? No preparation. One training meeting in early July so you know what to expect. Only 4 hours in the morning keeps children safe, and helps them discover the world Jesus experienced when he was a child. If you are a teacher this is a perfect way to give service hours to your community and church family. If you have a little extra vacation time to share you will be amazed how enjoyable your mornings will be and you still have an afternoon free for beach, pool, or a nap. Please contact Deaconess Liz: eborth@trinitydown.org or 407-488-1919 X 127.
Beach Getaway
The LWML ladies are off to Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg. You are invited to be part of this great resort getaway September 25-27, 2015. Look for more information on the LWML table (near the children’s busy bag display).
Got Kids in College?
The LCMS Campus Ministry works through LCMS U, an initiative to connect and support Lutheran students as they head off to college and face countless challenges, and also to connect and encourage parents, congregations and campus ministries as they seek to care for students…. To find a chapter near your college, go to lcms.org/lcmsu
Lutheran Services of Florida
Summer is here, and if you’re like most people, you have a seasonal checklist to go with it. EX: service the air conditioner, schedule family reunions and vacations,plant your favorite summertime flowers and vegetables, devise a plan for your charitable giving… Hmmmm. No check on that last one? Maybe that item is a new idea for you, but it is one you should consider. For many, summer is a time to take a break from the regular routine. This can be a good thing for you personally, but the unintended consequences are ministries like your church, Lutheran Services Florida and others experience a decline in contributions but no decline in the demand for services. These next few months will present many opportunities for reaching out to the community with the love of Jesus Christ. Please keep your giving strong so when families and children come to your church, LSF and others for support this summer we have the resources available to help. www.lsfnet.org
Facebook Updates
If you have a Facebook account, search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos, and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction, and more. Please like the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted.
Youth News
NO Summer Sunday School
Sunday School is taking a break for the summer. Look forward to September 13, when the church music room will be THE place to begin 50 Sundays of Jesus time. Plans are underway for updated and interactive learning and sharing every week. Keep your eyes and ears open so you know when to jump on board!
High School Bible Class
Every Sunday morning throughout the summer (unless notified), 8th-12th grade students will continue to meet and share in discussions of God’s grace and mercy. Your faith will come alive and your belief will be challenged and strengthened when you get together. 9:30 a.m. in the school art room (second floor school building) is the place to be with Laura and Mike. Contact TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com.
Trinity High School Youth Events
All ages–tell your parents–bring your friends–spread the word–join us for some fun!
THIS SUNDAY, June 7th: Youth Month Kickoff
Please join us on June 7th following the 11 o’clock service to kick off Youth Month with a cookout. Burgers and hotdogs are being provided but we need your help in providing extras. Please e-mail Mike and Laura with what you can provide. We are anticipating about 100 people.
June 21st: HS Youth Sunday & Picnic
July 25th: S’mores & A Movie!
August 9th: Open Gym & Games
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7402, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Trinity Events
June 8 Camp Trinity Begins!
June 13 CDC Moving Day
June 20 CDC Moving Day
June 28 Pastor Martin’s first Sunday
June 28 Voters meeting (*moved from June 14th)
July 3 Trinity Campus Closed for July 4 Celebration
July 3 Worship at 6pm
July 4 Saturday evening Worship rescheduled to July 3
July 20-24 VBS
August 17-21 Camp Trinity Closed
August 21 Trinity Campus Closed for Staff Retreat/Classroom Prep
TLS News
Special Visit to the CDC School Ministry
This week Trinity hosted representatives of Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s office and Nemours. The CDC implemented a comprehensive program in 2014 to promote healthy eating and exercise habits for children and families. The CDC team, including Trinity Food Service Manager, Rich Poole, have done such a great job that the CDC is one of three facilities that Brenda Miller of Nemours chose to feature in a report to Washington legislators to demonstrate the success of this important health program. We’re proud to be a part of this initiative, and so thankful for CDC Director Patty Moser’s leadership and dedication to make it happen right here at Trinity. You can watch a video of the visit on our Facebook page.