Trinity’s Ministry Partners
Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries
Redeeming Life, located in Sanford Florida, serves single pregnant and post-partum women in the Sanford, Florida area who, because of the circumstances in their lives, lack the support and opportunities offered by a loving, caring, Christ-centered home and family.
Motivated by God’s grace, Redeeming Life Maternity Home seeks to reach out with the love of Christ to support single expectant mothers. We do this by providing a safe, stable home that provides opportunities for growth in their relationship with their Savior, as well as career, parenting, and life skills education that they might love and care for their children as God loves and cares for them.
Choices Ministries
Partner with Choices Women’s Clinic, the busiest life-affirming medical pregnancy clinic in our city. Your support empowers Central Florida women and men to choose life for their unborn baby and to find love in Christ. Get involved in giving hope today.
Christian Service Center
Live UCF
Lutheran Hour Ministries
LHM Overview
LHM is a trusted expert in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 51 million people worldwide each week. Through its North American headquarters and 34 ministry centers on six continents, LHM reaches into more than 50 countries, often bringing Christ to places where no other Christian evangelistic organizations are present. LHM’s flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,600 radio stations and the American Forces Network.
Lutheran Church Extension Fund
LCEF has served as the financial extension of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) since 1978, offering funding and resources in support of the Church. When you invest with LCEF, you’re providing for the creation and growth of congregations and ministries across the country. LCEF empowers LCMS ministries with every dollar invested. And with nearly 60,000 investors, we’ve been able to make a difference for thousands of ministries. We provide customized loans and support services to new and growing ministries as well as loans for Rostered Church Workers who dedicate their lives to sharing the Gospel.
Lutheran Counseling Services
Here to Serve
Lutheran Counseling Services is an outreach of the Lutheran community called to provide quality professional care for individuals, families and communities through confidential pastoral counseling and consultation. We respect each person’s dignity and worth as a child of God, and share God’s abundant grace as manifested through the love of Jesus Christ.
Lutheran Services Florida
Concordia Publishing House
CPH Mission
Concordia Publishing House is the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. It exists for the purposes of strengthening and aiding member congregations in their proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and working in partnership with the agencies and congregations of the Synod to provide publishing services. On their behalf, Concordia Publishing House will develop, produce, market and distribute products and services that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and which will effectively serve such proclamation to people throughout the world. All to the Glory of God.
Our Mission Statement
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.
Florida Georgia Distrtict LCMS
Florida Georgia District
Mission: The Mission of the Florida-Georgia District is to serve, assist, and encourage congregations in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Vision: People of the Florida-Georgia District are equipped, empowered, engaged… connecting people to Jesus.