Things are still moving right along with the new building and getting the final Certificate of Occupancy. The building is getting some final trim work completed, the toilets are flushing and the water is running. Late last week Doster Construction passed the final electrical inspection and the finishing touches are being placed on the security system. All of the classroom furniture , including the infant rooms has been delivered. Once the final cleaning has been done the rooms can be completely set up. It looks beautiful. It has definitely been worth the wait.
The exterior of the building will be completed this week. You will see all the landscape plantings going in, mulch being delivered, the rubber flooring for the toddler and 2-year-old playground will be poured. The irrigation systems throughout the project are being installed this week. As many of you are aware, the intent for the 3- and 4-year-old playground was to temporarily place the old equipment in the play area under the giant oak tree. That piece has had some damage done to it in the construction process and is being assessed by professionals on whether it can be repaired. While we are waiting to hear the results we will be working on getting some smaller pieces for climbing etc., for the children. The children will get lots of gross motor play with intentional planning using games, balls, obstacle courses and such.
Other items coming online quickly are the fire access road off Amelia Avenue; grading, installing irrigation and re-sodding the soccer field; perimeter fencing around the soccer field area; and lowering the yellow house onto its new foundation.
It looks like moving day will be the second or third week of July. Please bear with us as we make our way through these final details on the construction project. We’re nearly there. Be sure to drive down Ruth Lane to get a look at the beautiful face of the new building. Please keep our project leaders, administrators, staff and volunteers in your prayers–they’ve put in an enormous amount of work over an extended period of time to make this all happen! As soon as we know the moving date, we’ll let you know.
Buy a Brick…and be a part of Trinity’s history
For $50 you may purchase a brick that will be one of many that make up a section our Trinity Courtyard to be completed with our new construction. You may have up to three lines of text engraved on your brick, 13 characters per line (including spaces, no punctuation). Proceeds will be used to fund the second CDC playground. To order your brick(s), please complete the order form found in the narthex or in the school office and return with your check by July 31.
Invest with LCEF and Save Trinity money!
Our Ministry partner, Lutheran Church Exetnsion Fund (LCEF), provided the loan funding for this construction project. LCEF has a “Shared Blessings” loan rebate program through which Trinity can earn back a rebate on its mortgage based on the number of Trinity families enrolled in investment plans with LCEF. Any money you invest with LCEF goes toward funding other Lutheran ministry projects, so your savings serves a purpose while you’re earning interest. Please consider opening an LCEF savings account to help us reach the maximum mortgage rebate allowance. Savings account investments start for as low as $25. Adult investment accounts with LCEF benefit Trinity in the same way the Youth Investor accounts do, you can participate as well! The more investors Trinity has with LCEF the higher the rebate check will be. Trinity is eligible for a $60,000 check if we hit 336 investors. Currently we have about 200. You can apply online at For more information, please contact Bruce Hahn at 407-701-3234 or email