Good friends!  This weekend marks second in our Consecration Sunday stewardship process which culminates on May 30/31! More information was shared in a letter sent out earlier this week. Today in our Stewardship Moment, we will look at interesting material regarding our tithes and offerings. Please continue to pray for our beloved Trinity and for a healthy fiscal situation. Joining heart to heart, hand to hand, we are walking to a beautiful future!

In our sermon for this weekend, we will be “blown away” by the graciousness and beauty of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ. We will meet him with astonishment on the shores of beautiful Lake Galilee! I can hardly wait! Pray!

This Sunday we Welcome New Members!

It is always so encouraging to welcome new folks to the membership of Trinity! At the 11 am service we will do just that. Please take a look at the worship notes for the names of this wonderful group! We welcome you with open arms and glad hearts!

Baptism Sunday!

The promises of Holy Baptism and incredible and come from the very heart of God. In this Sacrament, we are bound together with our Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul sings about this in Romans 6! Today at the 11 AM service, our brother Trevor Michael Cox will receive God’s eternal promises in this Sacrament.

Call to Double Duty for Some

Every now and then schedules get really crazy. That will happen at Trinity this week. I am speaking about two events on Tuesday and the other on Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 19 at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall:

Consecration Sunday stewardship process “helpers” meeting with dinner. Our Consecration Sunday leaders are calling on members to assist with some phone calling to invite members and friends who have not indicated they will be with us at the services on May 30/31 to be a part of the process.  At this Tuesday dinner meeting we will also give a heads up to all who are present concerning details of this stewardship process. We will also hear a word from Pastor Z regarding stewardship and the grace of giving. If this dinner is “news” to you, and you would like to attend, please be in touch with the office and reserve a space.

Wednesday May 20 at 7 PM in the Sanctuary:

The second gathering of our Ministry Teams will convene. After a brief devotional in the Sanctuary we will disperse to separate rooms for the individual Ministry Team meetings. At about 8:10 PM we will convene in the Fellowship Hall for plenary reports, refreshments, and conclude by 8:25 PM. All are welcome of course. If you have not yet signed up formally to serve on a Team, this is your opportunity!

Ascension Day Worship this past Thursday!

It was a wonderful service as we magnified the Ascended Lord Jesus and thanked Him for “taking us to heaven with him!”   He is in heaven! We are on earth! And yet, because of his astounding love we are “with him” in the heavenly places even now. And “the best is yet to come!”

At this gathering in honor of our Ascended Lord, we also remembered Pastor Ronald F. Fink who with Millie, served Trinity as Senior Pastor faithfully for some 10 years. What a gift Pastor Fink has been to Trinity and to so many people. We thank God for his ministry. We are grateful that Mrs. Fink (Millie) and family members were here with us!  Thanks to all who put together a beautiful reception in the Undercroft (!) after the service.

To honor Pastor Fink’s lifetime of service to the Lord and specifically his 10 years at Trinity, a stained glass window depicting the Miracle at Cana of Galilee will be installed in the reredos of the Side Chapel Altar.  If you would like to honor Pastor Fink’s memory with a memorial gift, you may make a donation to Trinity Lutheran Church indicating on your check “Pastor Ronald Fink Memorial Fund.”

The Lord bless us all!  Good to be here with you in these days!

Pastor Jim Martin

Pastor Martin will be joining our Staff as Interim Senior Pastor in early June. Until his retirement recently Pastor Martin has served for many years as Pastor of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Royalton, Ohio (suburb of Cleveland). He and Carol are excited about joining our ministry. We are certainly grateful for Pastor and Mrs. Martin. They will be with us from mid-June, with a preliminary visit here toward the end of May. We are planning on seeing the Martins in our worship services the weekend of May 23/24! Look forward to meeting them.  At this point we are working on the logistics of their move to Orlando and to this ministry!     trz