Youth Ministry
Middle School & High School Students
7th and 8th Grade Confirmation Instruction 2023-2024
In the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), confirmation – or the public affirmation of baptism and faith – is arrived at after a period of instruction. While this instruction lasts for a two-year period at Trinity, for 7th and 8th grade students, the instruction is intended not to end at 8th grade, but to begin a lifelong practice of regular scriptural study, worship, and prayer.
The formal instruction that leads to confirmation for both adults and youth, (adults not confirmed in the Lutheran Church attend a Foundations class), is founded in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism and is designed to clarify Christian doctrine and teach the life of the Church to Christians.
First Communion usually takes place in the first year of Confirmation, during Maundy Thursday worship. The Rite of Confirmation takes place at the Completion of Confirmation instruction in 8th grade, with a reading of the students personal statement of faith during worship on the Sunday of Pentecost.
Instruction and group discussion will be provided by Senior Pastor Doug Kallesen. Parent(s) attend class with their student.
(Please note: special arrangements may be made for students who need to start earlier or later than 7th and 8th grade. Please contact Pastor Doug Kallesen at the church office to discuss or 407-488-1919 x112).
- Books of the Bible, Old Testament
- First Communion instruction
- The New Testament
- Luther’s Small Catechism
- Understanding of Lutheran theology
Confirmation begins Sunday, August 27, at 12:30pm in Loggia 3, led by Pastor Doug. Parent(s) and students attend together; starting with lunch, opening video, then discussion groups and ending about 2ish. First year students are 7th graders, and second year students are 8th graders.
Meeting Dates:
- August 27 – Parent and Confirmand Orientation
- September 10
- September 24
- October 1
- October 22
- November 5
- November 12
- December 3
- December 17
- January 7 – First Communion Training Begins
- January 21
- January 28
- February 4
- February 18
- March 3
- March 10
- April 7
- April 21
- May 5
- May 19 – Confirmation Sunday
IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: You may contact Pastor Doug Kallesen at or 407-488-1919 x112) for more information.
MS and HS Bible Study
Middle and High School students are invited to join in a Bible study specially created for them! Loosely based on confirmation topics, students will delve deeper into their faith and build relationships with other students and adult leaders. Led by Renee Ponik and Timothy Gusewelle, this class meets in the church basement from 10:15am-11am on Sundays.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
at Trinity Downtown!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Trinity Youth Ministry (TYM) is a new and exciting opportunity for 6th through 8th grade students in our local community to come together in a fun environment to build relationships with one another and with Jesus. Volunteers and participants will enjoy dinner together, followed by worship, games, and an open gym in the beautiful facilities provided by our Lord at Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown Orlando. FCA TYM will meet in Trinity’s fellowship hall and gymnasium, from 6-8 p.m. one Sunday per month.
For additional information, please see the flyer below:
Poster General Event Template
If you would like to sign your child up for this event, please use the registration link below:
FCA TYM Registration
If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, please use one of the following registration links:
FCA Junior Leader Registration Form
FCA Adult Leader Registration Form
FCA TYM Meetings for the 2023-2024 School Year:
July 16, 2023
August 27, 2023
October 1, 2023
November 5, 2023
December 3, 2023
January 14, 2024
February 4, 2024
March 3, 2024
April 7, 2024
May 5, 2024