So, What’s Happening to the Music in our Worship Renewal? Here’s a simplified list of the basics. We hope your worship experience at Trinity is blessed!
- A core set of familiar worship hymns, sung often, enabling us and our children to know them well and memorize hymnody again.
- A selected set of melodies that can be used instead of unfamiliar tunes.
- Elements of worship in the New Dimensions services that will lead up to and particularly enhance the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. A diamond is set perfectly to show off all its beauty and Lutherans join with saints and angels to celebrate the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.
- The carillon bells call us to worship again.
- The announcements are shortened and moved to the end of the service, so they don’t distract from our preparation for worship. And hopefully, they’ll be remembered as you go out the door!
- Consistency in spoken responses from service to service, and week to week.
- Consistency across the board in the order of offering, prayers, sharing of the peace, which means now, that you can always remain standing after sharing the peace in all services, every week.
- A steady rotation of settings in 8 and 11; Setting One, Setting Three, Setting Four
- Adding Setting Two (Pastor Billy’s favorite!) to our rotation after Easter.
- More opportunities for instrumental accompaniments. Talk to me about playing once a month for your favorite Setting!
- More opportunities for vocalists to lead in worship.
Please send comments, suggestions, feedback and volunteer with Director of Music.