Study & Support Groups
Connect - Learn - Grow
Groups are listed below and are open to all. Let us know which you’d like to be involved in!
More groups can be added based on topics meaningful to you, and we can schedule groups on lunch hours or in the evening after work is done/kids are in bed/families fed… whatever works best for those interested. Groups can start with as few as TWO participants and grow from there!
Open to church, CDC, guests, friends, neighbors and strangers. All are welcome to connect, learn and grow!
If you don’t see something that you’re looking for let us know and we’ll find something in your area of interest. And if you’re new to virtual meetings, don’t worry, it’s not complicated, and we can walk you through the process. You’ll be a pro in no time.
Reach out to Trinity’s Church Office at or 407-488-1919 for more information or for help in starting or joining a group.
Currently Scheduled Groups
Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study
Daniel: Encourgement for Faith
- Meets bi-weekly at 6:30pm
- Led by Julie Lasater
- Contact Julie Lasater for location and additional details.
- Immerse
- Mondays at 7pm via Zoom
- Begins August 26, 2024
- Contact James and Laura Marano with questions or to receive the Zoom link

Tuesday Morning Women’s Group: “Women of the Word” (WOW)
- (Dis)Ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth That Sets Us Fre
- Tuesdays at 9am, Loggia 3, in perso
- Contact Terry to sign up

- Questions? Contact Trinity’s Church Office at 407-488-1919 or
- Tuesdays at 1pm, Loggia 3 Classroom, in-person, workbook needed
- Each weekly session is a stand-alone session – so you can join at any time and at any pace!
GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. You’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. Grief Share support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and have been trained to facilitate this support group. Please share with others who may need to hear about this. These groups are open to all. To learn more visit . Questions? Contact Trinity’s Church Office at 407-488-1919 or
- Video seminar with experts Each week your GriefShare group will watch a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. These videos are produced in an interesting television magazine format featuring expert interviews, real-life case studies, dramatic reenactments, and on-location video.
- Support group discussion with focus After viewing the video, you and the other group members will spend time as a support group, discussing what was presented in that week’s video seminar and what is going on in your lives.
- Personal study and reflection During the week you will have the opportunity to use your workbook for further personal study of the grieving process and to help sort out your emotions through journaling. Your group will spend time discussing questions and comments from the workbook study.

Searching the Scriptures Bible Study
On the Book of Daniel
- Tuesdays at 1pm in Loggia 2
- Led by Connie Sobol
Saturday Evening Bible Study
Ten Men of the Bible
- Saturdays at 4:30pm in Loggia 3
- Led by Bob Trapp

Sunday Morning Sunday School
- Sundays at 10:15am in Loggia 2
Online/At Your Own Pace
We also have numerous studies written by one of Trinity’s former pastors that can be accessed and read at your own pace:
- 1st & 2nd Corinthians
- Exodus
- Gospel Of John
- The End Times
- Prophets Bible Study
- Prison Letters Bible Study
- Book of Daniel
- Study of the Pastoral Epistles
- Denominations
- Book of Jeremiah – The Crying Prophet
- Revelation
- The Bible In Chronological Order
- Book of Hebrews