Trinity Family
A Message from Pastor Martin
Rally Day was an exciting time at Trinity! A crowd of kids in Sunday School…over 20 confirmands, and more youth than we’ve seen all summer…plus Adult Bible classes at 9:30 AND 11 am. Choir is back and so is Sunday morning Coffee Hour. So, take your coffee or lemonade into a Bible class. Our 9:30 Class in the Fellowship Hall is studying “Fruits of the Spirit.” A Bible Study for Moms of All Ages meets at 9:30 in one of the loggia classrooms. The new 11 o’clock class is going through the same chapters in the Gospel of Mark from which our Gospel readings are taken this fall. Do yourself a favor…dig deep into the Word of God!
The Confirmation Blessing was a touching moment as Parents offered love and encouragement to Students, and Students thanked Parents for their support in this time of spiritual growth. This is the year Trinity completes the switch to sixth and seventh grade confirmation classes, with our last group of eighth graders in the second year class. Classes will meet Sunday afternoons from 2-4pm every other weekend, beginning Sunday, September 20, so that we can do some relationship-building activities and make it a bit easier for those with a longer commute. First Communion is scheduled for our Reformation Celebration on October 25, so, first year students, don’t miss out on this time of preparation!
Thanks to those who were able to join us for the Service of Prayer at 5 pm Saturday, September 12. It felt so meaningful that our Elders are planning for another one in November. Please know that our Elders and I are always ready to pray with you after any of our weekend worship services. By the way, keep checking your answering machine or email for a message from your Elder. It may take a while for them to connect with everyone, but they’re working on it.
I’ve only been with you for 12 weeks, but what a great joy it has been every time I have had the privilege of sitting and talking with you. Trinity has been through a lot of change this past year. At the same time, you have this long history of serving the Lord; and you have laid out great plans for the future. The words of Scripture fit so well: “I have loved you with an everlasting love, says the Lord.” “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” “I know the plans that I have for you…to give you hope and a future.” We have good reason to sing that old hymn: “Our God our Help in ages past, our Hope for years to come!” God is with us! His angels are watching over us! His hand is guiding us! THANK-YOU for allowing me to share this time of transition with you!
Pastor Jim Martin
You all are invited to join our new members and new full-time CDC & K-8 staffers in the 8 week Fall Foundations series. The first five weeks we’ll be reviewing the basics of our faith, and what it means to live our lives with God every day. Along the way we’ll be making new friends and learning about ministry opportunities. The last three weeks focus on using God’s Word to develop deeper relationships, discover our spiritual gifts, and become actively involved in Christ’s work in His Church. Help us extend the invitation to couples getting married at Trinity, families having babies baptized at Trinity, and non-member school parents who want to learn more about Trinity. What a blessing to have long-time members join the class and build friendships with our guests! Register online or by calling 407-488-1919 x101 or emailing TLC@TrinityDowntown.com
Membership Ministry Team – Hostesses Needed
Foundation class is fast approaching, and we love providing a warm welcome to new members, guests, staff and even current members who participate in this class.. We are in need of several more hostess for our Foundation classes to meet & greet and prepare and serve beverages and desserts/snacks to those attending the class. If interested in being a part of this team and welcoming/meeting people and making them feel welcome please contact Brandi Meyer @ 407-579-8359.
Rejoice over Numbers
There’s good news and there is not so good news…which do you want to hear first? The good news is our first Sunday School week was super attended with teachers and children filling the classes. What a true blessing! The “bad news” is related to the good news — we are short two teachers. What about You? It is an easy gift of yourself. Everything you need to lead the children in discussions about Jesus and their faith is handed to you in a box. You prepare for only 20 minutes each week and voila! Some of you have been selected for a special invitational phone call from Deaconess Liz and we hope you will prayerfully consider this gift of time and talent for our youngest Trinity members. Children can be Registered online using this connection. Unless you have the faith as a child — trusting and unpretentious — you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Words of our Lord Jesus to meditate upon. Thoughts or questions, please contact the church: 407-488-1919 X 101 or tlc@Trinitydowntown.com.
School Ministry Fundraising Support NEEDED from YOU
Whether you are a staff member, parent, or church member, Trinity Lutheran School’s PTL has plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in our shared ministry events. PTL events like our first-ever Fall Pumpkin Patch and the HUGE annual Touch-A-Truck event connect our school, church, and surrounding community. These events not only raise funds to support our school (Infants to 8th Grade), but they draw big crowds from the surrounding community to our church! We need your help to make them happen!
- First Annual Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser
Join Brandi Meyer on Monday September 21 at 6pm in room 103 (middle loggia room) for a planning meeting. Volunteers Needed:
- Pumpkin Delivery contact to be on campus when the pumpkins are delivered sometime during the week of October 16th.
- Adults to be on campus that day to unload pumpkins.
- Volunteers to distribute flyers around town to advertise our Pumpkin Patch.
- Financial Record Tracker who will report each night to the pumpkin patch website how much we sold that day.
- Sales volunteers, Mid October through October 31st. Hours: M-F 3:15 – 6:15 pm; Sat 9 AM – 7 PM; Sun 9 AM – 1 PM.
To get involved, please contact Brandi Meyer at brandi_lee@yahoo.com
- Trinity’s Annual Touch A Truck Event, Open House and Fundraiser
An organizational meeting for PTL’s upcoming Touch-A-Truck on our campus will take place on Thursday, September 24, at 6:00 p.m. in the middle loggia classroom. Chairpersons will begin to coordinate their planning for this HUGE annual event which brings thousands onto our Trinity Downtown campus. Our success hinges on the active participation of all of our school families as this is the PTL’s major fund raising effort of the year. Questions? Please contact PTL.TLCS@gmail.com.
Preparing for Outreach at Trinity!
Check out the Lutheran Hour Ministries-Regional Outreach Conference! No doubt you’ve heard the terms“Millennial” and “GenX” in recent news regarding the decline of the church. Are you wondering just who they are, and why they are disinterested in church? ROC Orlando will answer how you, the church, can teach these generations to be discerning, influential followers of Christ. Learn more and register at lhm.org/roc today! November 13-14, 2015 at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel • Orlando, FL Reduced registration fees are now $99 for adults and $49 for youth (14-18). (Trinity adults will receive a $79 rate since we’re hosting the worship service for LHM that weekend!) We would love to see a large group of Trinity folks there to learn more about outreach in the church today!!
You Can Eat for FREE
Almost. The meal is free, but your heartfelt donation is expected. In the next few weeks you have an opportunity to learn more about several of the community caring organizations Trinity supports and add your personal sustaining or one-time financial gift. Don’t let a good meal with like minded Christian men and women pass by. Find your passion and bring a friend for an evening of good food and uplifting, heart stirring stories.
Want to support Orlando’s poor and homeless?
THIS Thursday, September 24: IDignity Souper Douper. Helping our homeless and poverty-stricken neighbors with Florida identification, IDignity is a Trinity sponsored organization in Orlando working steadfastly to provide state identification for all residents of Florida, who are unable to navigate the requirements alone. The Souper Douper party will be held at the Double Tree Hotel (60 S. Ivanhoe) beginning at 5:45 p.m. To reserve your free place at the table, contact Diann Grover: 407.587.5957 for details.
Want to help those in need of Counseling support?
Saturday, October 10: Lutheran Counseling Services Anniversary Banquet. SEATS ARE FILLING FAST! DON’T MISS THE CELEBRATION!!!!! Lutheran Counseling Services 25th Anniversary Banquet. October 10, 2015. 5:30-8:00 pm. Music Styling’s of David Ludwig, Jr. Masters of Ceremony, President Walton, LCMS and Bishop Schaefer, ELCA, Catered by Chef Scott, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Orlando. TICKETS ON SALE NOW: 1 for $20 or grab a friend and pay $30 for 2. Visit www.lcsfl.com/events or call Jamie at 407.644.4692 to get your tickets TODAY. Table and Event Sponsorships are also available.
Want to support Life?
Saturday, November 14: Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries 2nd annual dinner highlights the life of unborn and newborn children residing at the only Lutheran maternity home in Florida. Located in Sanford – only 30 minutes from downtown Orlando – Redeeming Life is a real home of love and acceptance sharing God’s grace and mercy. Trinity is committed to supporting life from conception so this is a high priority ministry. Our gracious host church is Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Sanford where the evening celebration begins at 5:30 p.m. Contact Deaconess Liz – 407-488 1919 X127 0r eborth@trinitydowntown.org to reserve your spot at the Trinity table.
Youth News
High School Youth Events
- September 20th after the 11am service in the church basement: Parent and Student meeting for those attending the LCMS National Youth Gathering in July 2016 for students ages 14-19. More information on the Youth page
- Upcoming Events
- Friday, October 30th 7:30pm, Costume Party!
- Sunday, November 22nd 6pm, Turkey Day Party!
- Saturday, December 12th,
- 2pm: Christmas Shopping Fundraiser/Servant Event
- 6pm: Christmas Party
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7403, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Middle School Youth Events
- October 4: Parent/Student meeting for MS Youth Gathering, 2pm, School building
- November 6-8: We are excited to let you know that registration is now open for FEARLESS – the 2015 Middle School Youth Gathering. Our speaker this year is DCE Audrey Duensing-Werner who will give us insight into our Romans 8:11 verse and delight us with her humor. Our band this year is ALL THINGS NEW. Go to http://flgadistrict.org/msyg/ to get all the information. If you’re interested, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Blackwood at mom23girls@cfl.rr.com.
Your Church belongs to YOU
All members are important, no matter what age. Trinity encourages all high school young people to volunteer for service for weekend Worship Services.
- Powerpoint and Sound Board operation allows you to show off your interest or skills in simple technology.
- Usher team is fabulous because you aren’t solely responsible. You work with a group of trained and experienced people.
- Greet our members and visitors as they enter for worship. Super short service time! 15 minutes before each service you smile and shake a hand. You might ask the name of someone you don’t recognize and then share yours. That’s it!
- Reading the Bible lessons requires a clear and steady voice and a little bit of preparation so you don’t stumble over those names. Every service has one assigned reader, so sign up for the service you normally attend with your family.
- And, as many of you are trained and skilled in Acolyte service, you can continue doing just that.
Contact the church office with your decision as soon as you can. Each of our young adult members will receive a letter in the mail this week as a reminder. TLC@trinitydowntown.org or 407-488-1919 X 101.
High School Bible Class
Every Sunday morning throughout the summer (unless notified), 8th-12th grade students will continue to meet and share in discussions of God’s grace and mercy. Your faith will come alive and your belief will be challenged and strengthened when you get together. 9:30 a.m. in the school art room (second floor school building) is the place to be with Laura and Mike. Contact TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com.
Important Dates
September 22 7 pm, Foundations Class, Magnolia 2nd floor Conference Room
Sept 30-Oct 1 Book Fair at TLS
October 1 Grandparents Day at TLS
October 16 Pumpkin Patch delivery, sales will soon follow
November 6-8 Middle School Youth Gathering
November 14 Touch A Truck
TLS News
Trinity welcomes staff representing Senator Nelson, Nemours and GSCN this week
We had a great visit from Senator Nelson’s office and Nemours as they continue to use Trinity as an example to encourage government funding for healthy eating in an effort to reduce obesity in children. I feel so much pride sharing our program and families with our community. We have such an amazing staff and supportive families; it’s a great feeling to be part of the Church and School ministries of Trinity Downtown.
We also had our post-observation this week from the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition, located in Omaha, Nebraska. Their last visit was September 2014 for pre-observation to rate our programs policies and actions before we began the Nemours Healthy Habits Program. We should be hearing from them in October with our final results. Follow the link below to learn more about the program we participated in last year to make our program healthier. In order to complete their evaluation of the project, the researchers at GSCN will visit a 4 year old classroom and observe the different activities of the day (meal time, class time, play time, etc.) to gather information on classroom practices, the environment we provide our children, and the written policies we have at our program. The observer told us that we’ve made the most comprehensive changes of any other center involved in the project!
http://healthykidshealthyfuture.org/home/collaborate/ecelcproject/about.html .
Attendance & Giving
Sept. 12-13, 2015 | |
Worship Attendance | |
6:00 p.m. | 41 |
8:00 a.m. | 44 |
9:30 a.m. | 96 |
11:00 a.m. | 97 |
Total | 278 |
Sunday School | |
Adult’s Bible Class | 26 |
Children’s Sunday School | est 30 |
MS/HS | est 25 |
Contributions | |
Current & Missions: | |
C & M Budget | $ 18,105 |
C & M Actual | $ 14,833 |
Faithfully Forward | $ 1,555 |
Historical Debt | $ 195 |
SOS/Faith Factor | $ 250 |
Dedicated Funds | $ 175 |