Trinity Family
Special Voters’ Meeting, Sunday, August 9th
Please join us in the Sanctuary immediately following the 11am worship service (est.12:20pm) for a Special Voters’ meeting for the Voters Assembly to consider several orders of Trinity business including:
1) Pastor’s Update
2) School Board Update
3) Campus Task Force update
4) Naming the new ministry building and dedications
5) Naming additional campus buildings
6) Update on the Senior Pastor Call Committee.
Leadership Council Vacancy
It is with great regret that Leadership Council announces a call for nominations for an at large position vacated by Wendy Havens. It was with mutual agreement that Wendy resigned her position on Leadership Council because her husband Eric has been hired as the General Manager-Operations at Trinity. With the oversight that Leadership Council has over the General Manager position, all parties agreed that this was the best course of action to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest. Wendy remains a passionate member who will endeavor to participate in Trinity’s ministries. We thank her for her willingness to serve Trinity.
The at large position will serve on Leadership Position through the balance of the two year term ending on June 30, 2017. Members are encouraged to nominate willing members of the voter’s assembly for consideration by Leadership Council who will serve as nominating committee. Leadership will bring forth one or more qualified candidates at the next regularly scheduled voter’s assembly for selection. Please prayerfully consider nominations and forward them to LeadershipCouncil@TrinityDowntown.com.
Senior Pastor Call Update
In March, Leadership Council sought and received authority from the Voters to create a call committee to initiate the process to call a Senior Pastor to serve Trinity. This has been an ongoing process. In adherence to Trinity’s Bylaws the committee will consist of the congregational Vice-President (chair), President, Senior Elder, the Interim Senior Pastor and five at large members from the voter’s assembly. Members at large are being selected to provide a cross-sectional representation of the voter’s assembly.
Your Leadership Council is planning on setting the first meeting of the call committee near the end of August. We will be supported and assisted in this process by President Walton with the Florida Georgia District LCMS as well as a dedicated Circuit Counselor who will advise Trinity on various crucial steps in the process.
Trinity has some further work to do in preparation to make a call and the Circuit Counselor will assist the committee in assessing needs and opportunities of the parish, identifying resources, and representing President Walton. The counselor will be in regular attendance at many call committee meetings.
The basic steps that the call committee will be following are,
1) Complete necessary documents as supplied by the District Office, which include a congregational profile and self-study.
2) Receive nominations for the office of Pastor
3) Publish the list of nominees to the congregation and forward them to the District President
4) Return a list of candidates to the congregation for election
5) Gathering additional information
6) Publish the call list and establish the date and rules of procedure for the call service.
7) Immediately notify the pastor elect of his selection, send the proper call documents and arrange for a post call visit
8) After acceptance, plan for arrival, installation and ongoing mutual ministry
These are exciting times at Trinity as we strive to seek our future Shepherd and leader. We are blessed to have Pastor Martin participating in this process for his experience and training. Keep Trinity and our future Senior Pastor in your prayers.
VBS Success
The most successful way to raise money for missions is to sell stuff! The 68 children who attended Trinity’s summer Vacation Bible School sent $621 to Heifer International for 20 bee hives. The children traded their U.S. currency for VBS dollars and bought jewelry, wooden crosses, music CDs, wooly sheep, pottery paint, and more at the Jerusalem MarketPlace booths. What a wonderful week we had working in partnership with Broadway Methodist. Seriously, you couldn’t tell who was a volunteer from which church because everyone worked so well together. We were so blessed with fabulous drama talent from both churches so the Bible Point was clearly heard every day. This year, nine families indicated they have no home church so the message of God’s love for us entered homes via VBS. This one summer week of fun that follows months of hard work and planning is a true mission outreach.
MORE than Double
With great joy and thanksgiving Redeeming Life Maternity Home shares that our congregation (YOU) have doubled+ the dollars donated to help Redeeming Life Maternity Home in Sanford house and love women who choose to give life. The final number for Trinity this year was $1,941.29! (Last year you raised $879.25). Redeeming Life is the only Lutheran Maternity home in Florida. Contact: Sheryl for more information or to offer volunteer assistance: sheryl@rlom.org
Still Time to Hit the Beach
Although the deadline for a registration discount has passed, the Women’s Retreat to the Beach is open and waiting for you. Come to Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg the weekend of September 25-27, 2015. for $140.00 you will be fed, relaxed, and spiritually rejuvenated. Final registration deadline is August 30, 2015. Sirata Beach Resort is directly on a beautiful Gulf beach, and is offering special LWML rates. For more information go to the website: www.flgalwml.com or pick up a copy of the Evangel printed for you on the LWML table in the back east narthex.
Girls Only
Every quarter, all the women of Trinity Church & School (that’s YOU!) are invited to get together for a pot-luck dinner and a simple program. Nothing but silliness and laughter and interesting information. Just bring a dish of food — depending on the theme — and leave with new or stronger Christian female relationships. Thursday, September 3 at 6:30 p.m. This time we’ll talk about one-pot dinners, and 30 minute from stove to table meals. Meet in Fellowship Hall. Please talk to Deaconess Liz – 407-488-1919 X 127, or eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Used Pick-up Truck Needed
Trinity’s maintenance department is in need of a used pick-up truck. If you have a pick-up truck that runs that you are willing to donate to the church, we would be forever grateful. Please contact Trinity’s General Manager, Eric Havens at Eric.Havens@trinitydownton or call at 407-488-1919, ext. 108. Blessings.
Consider Adding One Hour
You give one or two hours every week to formal worship, why not one more? On September 13, the church music room will be THE place to begin 50 Sundays of Jesus time. Children in Pre-K4 through 5th grade will spend an hour each Sunday morning in Bible adventures. A SHORT TIME giving is needed immediately to plan the first Sunday morning. The time is now, so contact the Youth Ministry Team’s facilitator, Kathleen Tesch, at Teschclan@gmail.com.
LiveUCF Gala – Celebrating our ministry to the University of Central Florida
You are invited to an elegant evening learning about and celebrating the ministry of LiveUCF. It is being held Saturday, September 12th, 6pm, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Orlando. We are grateful for our many partners, individuals and congregations who provide the resources we need to continue in ministry. The annual gala is a night to lift up the work we accomplish together. During the evening you will have the chance to hear about our Fall ministries, meet our Board of Directors, and talk with students and leaders while enjoying wonderful food and drink. More information & tickets LiveUCF.com/Gala or 321.287.7742
Lutheran Counseling Services’ 25th Anniversary
As a friend and supporter of LCS you are invited to the 25th Anniversary Gala, with the theme “Grace-Healing-Hope”. Join us as we celebrate 25 years and look forward to the future. The event MC’s are President Walton of FL-GA District and Bishop Schaeffer of FL-BH Synod. Catered by Chef Scott with the Music Styling’s of David Ludwig Jr. Purchase your ticket now. For More Information on this event, volunteer opportunities and the services we provide visit our website www.lcsfl.com or call 407.644.4692
Facebook Updates
If you have a Facebook account, search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos, and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction, and more. Please like the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted.
Lift your petitions
As we watch and impatiently wait for the completion of our new education building, keep your hearts and minds focused on the source of all goodness. Put Him first in all you say and do and all obstacles and troubles will be like sand on the shore. Jesus wants to hear from you personally. PRAY. Really. Prayer is your voice directly touching the heart of God with your fear, pain, joy and thanks. Thank God for safety and love for our children. The people you see everyday and nod or share a greeting with are God’s children. Make a purposeful decision to lift your words of thanks and intercessions. If you would like to receive a short prayer every day for your child and school, simply visit www.momsinprayer.org.
Youth News
High School Youth Events
All ages–tell your parents–bring your friends–spread the word–join us for some fun!
- This Sunday, August 2nd: Parent Meeting for parents of all MS and HS youth who are attending Night of Joy. We’ll be meeting right after 11am worship in the church basement music room.
- August 9th: Beach Day! Beach Day! Join us for 8am service & then we’ll head to the beach at 9:15am! Bring a towel & sunscreen!
- September 11th: Night of Joy
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7403, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Middle School Youth Events
- August 2nd: Parent Meeting for parents of all MS and HS youth who are attending Night of Joy. We’ll be meeting right after 11am worship in the church basement music room.
- September 11th: Night of Joy at Disney If you’re interested, please contact the church office at TLC@TrinityDowntown.com
- November 6-8: Middle School Youth Gathering Senior Confirmation Students (grades 7 and 8), the FL-GA District Middle School Youth Gathering is coming this Fall. Information on registration and fees will be available soon, but mark your calendars for this weekend to grow in your faith with friends! November 6-8, 2015, Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL. If you’re interested, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Blackwood at mom23girls@cfl.rr.com.
Consider Adding One Hour
You give one or two hours every week to formal worship, why not one more? On September 13, the church music room will be THE place to begin 50 Sundays of Jesus time. Children in Pre-K4 through 5th grade will spend an hour each Sunday morning in Bible adventures. Contact the Youth Ministry Team’s facilitator, Kathleen Tesch, at Teschclan@gmail.com to volunteer as a teacher, to help with a 15 minute opening, or to prepare teacher boxes during the week (no teaching or Sunday morning hours).
High School Bible Class
Every Sunday morning throughout the summer (unless notified), 8th-12th grade students will continue to meet and share in discussions of God’s grace and mercy. Your faith will come alive and your belief will be challenged and strengthened when you get together. 9:30 a.m. in the school art room (second floor school building) is the place to be with Laura and Mike. Contact TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com.
Important Dates
August 17-21 Camp Trinity Closed
August 21 Trinity Campus Closed for Staff Meetings/Classroom Prep
August 23 Back to School Worship–Blessing of the Backpacks
Attendance & Giving
Jul. 26, 2015
Worship Attendance
6:00 p.m. 46
8:00 a.m. 46
9:30 a.m. 97
11:00 a.m. 124
Total 313
Sunday School
Adult’s Bible Class 20
Current & Missions:
C & M Budget $20,085
C & M Actual $17,184
Faithfully Forward $26,049
Historical Debt $325
SOS $-
Dedicated Funds $416