Trinity Family News
A Message from Pastor Martin
What a week! We have moved into the New Century Center! K-8 school is off to a terrific start as well! The tired, old modular classrooms are scheduled to disappear next week. They served us well! A week of joy, celebration and progress!
However, we’re praying for our Deaconess Liz Borth for a speedy recovery after she was injured when a car broadsided her as she was on the way to visit one of our members in the hospital. Instead, she ended up in the emergency room. She’s home now, with a badly broken arm and some bumps and bruises. You’ll hear more about her situation and how you can help at church this weekend, and through a follow up email when we have more details.
There was a great crowd in worship last week for Blessing of the Backpacks. In two weeks we’ll be doing Blessing of the Confirmands on Rally Day as they begin or continue their studies. All sixth, seventh & eighth graders and their parents are invited. This is the year Trinity completes the switch to sixth and seventh grade confirmation classes, with our last group of eighth graders in the second year class.
On Sunday, September 13, we will launch another Sunday morning Bible class as one of our elders, Steve Kerestes, leads a study of the Gospel of Mark at 11 am. Facilitators of our Ministry Teams will be gathering this coming Monday. All of our Ministry Teams will be in full swing this fall. Trinity’s ministries are on the move!
This weekend is our once-every-three-months fifth weekend worship service. So we’ll be singing lots of hymns for a little change of pace in our traditional services, and singing Wayne Schwanke’s musical rendition of The Lord’s Prayer. Watch for more info about Food Drive and Discretionary Fund.
For those who haven’t yet seen it, we’ll be pointing out the new stained glass window in the side chapel…given in memory of the ministry of Pastor Ron Fink. His wife Millie will be joining us later this fall for the consecration of this beautiful depiction of the wedding at Cana.
Please lift up our hospitalized, home-bound, grieving and those with ongoing health concerns in your prayers. Remember our military personnel, as well as the unemployed and those going through difficult situations. It means so much to them to know that you are praying for them!
Share With Those In Need
The last verses of Acts chapter two describe a new fellowship of Christ believers who have everything in common and share with anyone as he has a need. Perhaps you were not aware that Trinity has a monetary account specifically designed for sharing with those in need. Only designated donations build the available funds for the pastoral team to share with discretion on rent, food, car repair, travel, or utilities expenses when the load becomes a burden. Many of the recipients have been blessed to return the gifted funds, but we do not expect our brothers and sisters in Christ to see our gift as a loan or debt. To keep a sufficient amount of money available for assisting our congregation members, staff, and neighbors, along with the gifts of groceries (Food on the Fifth) a free-will door offering for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund will be requested. Questions or Comments: Deaconess Liz 407-488-1919 X 127, eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Growing Together II
Our Church and School ministries are entering into a second year of our “Growing Together” ministry focus. In the past year, our focus has been summarized by Ephesians 4:15-16; Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. That scripture reference has been an amazing starting point for quite a bit of study, discussion, classroom instruction, creative artwork and projects throughout the past year. This year we will cultivate a practice of “growing deeper” using Colossians 2:6-7 as our focus; Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. We can’t wait to see the creative ideas that are generated from this new focus! If you have ideas, please share them with us at TLC@TrinityDowntown.com! We’re looking forward to another year of Growing Together with all of you!
It’s Time To Make A Joyful Noise!
In Psalm 100, we’re instructed to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing and ringing.” We’ll, maybe we’ve taken a little creative liberty with adding ringing, but none the less, the choir and bells of Trinity are ready to make a joyful noise. Are you? Join us as we return from our summer break. The more the merrier. Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 9, and continue every Wednesday following. Bells meet at 6:30pm in the balcony. Choir meets at 7:30 in the basement. No prior ringing or singing experience is needed. Just a willing heart, which we know you have! For additional information on bells, please contact Glenda Frazier at whitemice@bellsouth.com. For additional information on choir, please contact Paul Soost at sooster67@yahoo.com.
Greetings from Pastor and Lisa Moore!
Congratulations on moving into the New Century Center and starting a new school year. We’re celebrating with you all, and praying for Trinity and all the families the school ministry reaches. Please pray for us, too, as Pastor Moore is installed this Sunday as the Intentional Interim Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, Concordia, Missouri. St. Paul’s Senior Pastor was elected as the new Missouri District President this summer. We believe we’ll be there about 8 to 10 months, but only God knows how long it will be, of course. God bless you! (Editor’s note: If you’d like to correspond, their new address is 205 S. Main Street, Concordia, MO 64020)
Worship Greeter Teams
“Welcome to Trinity, I’m so happy you are joining us for worship today!” We want everyone to see a big smile and hear and feel a welcoming spirit when they come to our worship services. Greeters can provide this warm welcome as people enter for worship — especially to our treasured visitors. We are organizing the “Greeter Teams” for the coming year. Will you help welcome worshippers this year by joining a Greeter Team? Write “Greeter” on your blue attendance card this week, contact Omar/Gladys Dittmer at odittmer892@gmail.com or contact the church office at TLC@TrinityDowntown.com for full information and schedules.
Foundations Class: New Members Class/Lutheran Refresher Course
Our next class will begin on Tuesday evening, September 22nd, for eight consecutive evenings, taught by Pastor Martin. Please email TLC@TrinityDowntown.com for more information and to sign up!
YOUR School Book List
Trinity Congregation members love their school mission outreach! Our Lutheran education is centered and based on the message of love from God, our Father, through Jesus Christ, so naturally The Bible is #1 on the book list for Trinity. You can help with this mission project by sponsoring a Bible with a $15.00 minimum donation. Questions? Contact Deaconess Liz: eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Supper and a Speaker
The September 3rd Supper and a Speaker has been cancelled. Watch the Weekly News for details on the next event. Thank you.
Still Time to Hit the Beach
The final registration deadline is one week away, so the Women’s Retreat to the Beach is open and waiting for you. Come to Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg the weekend of September 25-27, 2015, and for $140.00 you will eat, relax, and be spiritually rejuvenated. Sirata Beach Resort is directly on the beautiful Gulf of Florida, and is offering special LWML rates. For more information go to the website: www.flgalwml.com or pick up a copy of the Evangel printed for you on the LWML table in the back east narthex. Final registration deadline is August 30, 2015.
Here’s the Buzz
Can you open a box? Can you follow simple instructions? I’ll bet you can! Being a Sunday School Leader at Trinity means you spend 20 minutes once a week reading a devotion and prayer, and then 1 hour on Sunday morning sharing the contents of a box with children. Beginning September 13, children in Pre-K4 through 5th grade will begin their special time with Jesus in Bible adventures. YOU can give an hour each week (or every other week) to lead a group of children. It’s as easy as opening a box and following the directions. WE NEED 3 MORE VOLUNTEERS to make our program continuous and safe for our children. Please contact the church: 407-488-1919 X 101 or tlc@Trinitydowntown.com.
Recent Facebook Post was seen by more than 10 THOUSAND people!
If you have a facebook account search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction and more. Please “like” the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted, and so that you’re able to share with others! The difference between 500 people learning about Trinity and 10,000 people learning about Trinity, is a factor of how many times we share the Trinity posts on our own personal pages. So please share posts from Trinity so friends and family and people we don’t yet know can learn more about what Trinity has to offer!
Craft Fair at Lutheran Haven
Don’t miss the annual Craft Fair being held at The Lutheran Haven on Saturday, September 12, 2015, 9am – 4pm with refreshments. Please check it out! Flyers available in the Narthex.
Don’t Miss Out
You’re invited to the Lutheran Counseling Services 25th Anniversary Banquet on October 10, 2015 from 5:30-8:00 pm; “Grace-Healing-Hope”. Join us as we celebrate 25 years and look forward to the future. The event MC’s are President Walton of FL-GA District and Bishop Schaeffer of FL-BH Synod. Catered by Chef Scott with the Music Styling’s of David Ludwig Jr. TICKETS ON SALE NOW: 1 for $20 or grab a friend and pay $30 for 2 Purchase your ticket now. For more information on this event, volunteer opportunities and the services we provide visit our website www.lcsfl.com/events or call Jamie at 407.644.4692. Table and Event Sponsorships are also available.
Youth News
High School Youth Events
- September 11th: Trinity Youth go to Night of Joy! (Deadline to register has was Aug 26th) Details for those attending:
- Depart Trinity parking lot at 6:00pm (Mike & Laura will be there at 5:30pm)
- Michael and Laura can drive, as well as some parents have volunteered to drop off/pick up.
- Wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for the theme park!
- $ for snacks! We will probably stop for snacks on the way home, but at dinner before you come, or bring money to buy dinner.
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7403, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Middle School Youth Events
- September 11th: Night of Joy (see information above)
- November 6-8: Middle School Youth Gathering. Senior Confirmation Students (grades 7 and 8), the FL-GA District Middle School Youth Gathering is coming this Fall. Information on registration and fees will be available soon, but mark your calendars for this weekend to grow in your faith with friends! November 6-8, 2015, Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL. If you’re interested, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Blackwood at mom23girls@cfl.rr.com.
Your Church belongs to YOU
All members are important, no matter what age. Trinity encourages all high school young people to volunteer for service for weekend Worship Services.
- Powerpoint and Sound Board operation allows you to show off your interest or skills in simple technology.
- Usher team is fabulous because you aren’t solely responsible. You work with a group of trained and experienced people.
- Greet our members and visitors as they enter for worship. Super short service time! 15 minutes before each service you smile and shake a hand. You might ask the name of someone you don’t recognize and then share yours. That’s it!
- Reading the Bible lessons requires a clear and steady voice and a little bit of preparation so you don’t stumble over those names. Every service has one assigned reader, so sign up for the service you normally attend with your family.
- And, as many of you are trained and skilled in Acolyte service, you can continue doing just that.
Contact the church office with your decision as soon as you can. Each of our young adult members will receive a letter in the mail this week as a reminder. TLC@trinitydowntown.org or 407-488-1919 X 101.
High School Bible Class
Every Sunday morning throughout the summer (unless notified), 8th-12th grade students will continue to meet and share in discussions of God’s grace and mercy. Your faith will come alive and your belief will be challenged and strengthened when you get together. 9:30 a.m. in the school art room (second floor school building) is the place to be with Laura and Mike. Contact TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com.
Dates to Remember
September 7 Trinity Campus Closed for Labor Day
September 13 Sunday School Kick-off, Blessing of the Confirmands and New 11am Adult Bible Study starts
TLS News
First Day Blessings
Following morning assembly on Monday, Trinity students, parents, faculty and staff all gathered together in Trinity’s sanctuary on our first day of the 2015-16 school year. Trinity’s Senior Pastor, Rev. Jim Martin, lead the chapel service and helped us to understand it takes deep roots for a plant to grow, and likewise if we at Trinity are to continue Growing Together, we have to grow deeper! How did the teachers view their first day yesterday? A sampling of their reflections will lead you to agree that we are all off to a splendid start! Teachers shared how Trinity students are “so respectful” … “energetic” … “eager to learn” … “friendly” … and “enthusiastic.” From gathering in chapel, to learning the Three Big Rules, to ice breakers, and bucket-dipping, students were well equipped to launch into this next great year of Growing Together at Trinity Lutheran School. (Check out the August 24th post on our Facebook page for some amazing first day of school photos!)
The Other Big Move
While the truly massive undertaking this past weekend was moving eighteen CDC classrooms in to the New Century Center in 48 hours to start school on Monday, another move continues to move us forward into excellence. As the first classroom in the school building was vacated by the CDC, shelving and books were moved from the Church basement making this classroom the new home of the school library. “A library should be at the center of a school program. The former basement location made it appear to be an afterthought, or an under-thought,” quipped Dr. Brockberg. “The new location places it physically in the center of the Trinity campus, and with this location, CDC children will be able to visit the Library as easily as K-8 students will. This truly is a big step forward in literacy for all of our students.”
During the week, Karen Killinger, a member of Trinity Downtown and a faithful volunteer librarian for many years at TLS, assembled a team of church members to begin unpacking and re-shelving books. Joining Mrs. Killinger are Lynn Hoctor, Darlene Sabin, Kathy Aber, Diann Grover, and Janine Delehunt, some of whom are pictured among the stacks of books. The process continues and we are looking for more volunteers to assist with shelving.
This year the K-8 teachers have resolved to enchant our students with reading. Ms. Lisa Crawford is leading this initiative as our Language Arts specialist in Grades 4-8 and she explained, “We are using Lexile scores from MAP tests to target reading levels this year. Following the three MAP tests this year, students will spend their Golden Tickets earned for their enthusiastic reading. Parents will learn more about the Golden Ticket Celebration at the Back-To-School night.” Literature is also linked to Social Studies this year, students will be reading A Singe Chard (when studying Korea), Fever 1783 (from the America’s Past curriculum), and Tree Castle Island (from Florida and It’s People units). Novels are also the focus of reading instruction in Grades 2-3; Ms. Beltz will include these classic novels in her yearly Reading plans: Flat Stanley, Miss Nelson is Missing, Charlotte’s Web, and more! From more Library time to Golden Ticket Celebrations and novel studies, teachers aim to enchant our students with reading this year.
Developmental Milestones
Think you can spot a developmental milestone? Take the milestones quiz on this page to find out! Developmental milestones are skills that mark a child’s development; things most children can do by a certain age. Milestones like babbling, finding hidden objects, and playing alongside or with other kids provide clues about your child’s developmental health. So, look for your child’s milestones regularly, celebrate them, and record them to share with your child’s pediatrician using free resources for parents from CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. program.
Attendance & Giving
Aug. 23, 2015
Worship Attendance
6:00 p.m. 52
8:00 a.m. 62
9:30 a.m. 108
11:00 a.m. 182
Total 404
Sunday School
Adult’s Bible Class 21
Children’s Bible Class 7
Current & Missions:
C & M Budget $18,105
C & M Actual $12,373
Faithfully Forward $1,879
Historical Debt $75
Faith Factor $-
Dedicated Funds $385