Trinity Family
A Message from Pastor Martin
CONGRATULATIONS! It’s a great thing when a plan comes to completion. Trinity deserves to celebrate. Years of dreaming, drawing up plans, gathering resources, taking the leap of faith, lots of blood, sweat, and tears…and now it’s reality. The New Century Center is open. It’s time to move in!
It’s time to thank and praise God for His faithfulness. He has watched over this process every step of the way. It’s time to express gratitude to hundreds of people who have given of themselves in countless ways. Thank-you, Lord! Thank-you, people of Trinity!
No, the work isn’t done. The date for dedication isn’t set yet, there’s still so much more moving to do, so much more clean-up (work day tomorrow, we need your help–see below). Then there’s the whole campus revitalization effort that will be unfolding in coming months.
But this is a weekend to celebrate! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
How fitting that the news comes on the weekend of Blessing of the Backpacks. The New Century Center is all about blessing the next generation by planting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts of our kids. We’ll bless backpacks in all four services. And we’ll thank God for teachers in all four services–what a responsibility they have–to share the truths of God with our kids. The Blessing of our Trinity faculty and staff will happen during the 11 am service. Following that service, our K-8 team will be hosting an Open House for students, families, and the congregation.
Would you like a “sneak preview” of the Child Development Center classrooms? CDC Executive Director Patty Moser, and architect & Trinity member Matt Wheeler will be providing tours after each of the Sunday morning services. Don’t miss the opportunity! You’ll see for yourself why it’s time to celebrate!
Let’s praise the Lord together in worship on Sunday, and if you are able, be part of the Campus Care workday on Saturday!
Campus Care Day this Saturday, 8am to Noon
Please join us this Saturday for a Work Day to finalize preparations for our school ministry’s new school year and our Fall sprucing up of our entire Trinity campus. You can come for the full four hours, or any block of time in between that works for you. School families earn P.R.I.C.E. hours for their service, and kids can earn community service hours. You can sign up online easily at VolunteerSpot. (Please bring any large trimmers or clippers if you have them) The list of tasks includes:
- Assisting in the new classrooms in the CDC
- Cleaning classrooms and removing unusable items from old classrooms
- Move library books to new location (dependent upon the CDC move)
- Replace floor tiles in the Main Office
- Paint the Main Office
- Hang PTL plaques in the hallways
- Power wash the Loggia, Breezeway, and emergency stairwells
- Trimming the hedge along the School Building, shrubs in front of church
- Trimming trees and shrubs on Ruth Lane
- Clean and help teachers organize the curriculum room
- Clearing out storage rooms
Teacher Dedication, Tours of the New Century Center, Blessing of the Backpacks
- TLS and Orange County start back to school on August 24th, so Pastor Martin will be blessing backpacks and praying for students in the new school year at all services this weekend. Don’t forget to have your kids bring their backpacks with them to church that weekend!
- At the 11am service on August 23rd we will be introducing and dedicating our TLS K-8 staff for 2014-2015. Following worship, the teachers will be in their classrooms for Open House if you’d like to stop by and say hello.
- In addition, CDC Executive Director, Patty Moser, and Architect & Church Member Matt Wheeler will be hosting tours of the New Century Center after all services on Sunday. The congregation is invited to get a firsthand look at the new facility, fully furnished and ready for students on Monday.
Lifting Hands in Praise
The last steps to open doors and welcome our youngest children and families into our New Century Center is finally here. Rejoice and give thanks to God, our Father, for keeping us steadily walking His way. Thank God for safety and love for our children. The people you see everyday and nod or share a greeting with (big or small, young or old) are God’s children. Don’t forget, when you put God first in all you say and do, all obstacles and troubles will be like sand on the shore. Jesus wants to hear from you personally. If you would like to receive a short prayer every day for your child and school, simply visit www.momsinprayer.org.
Update from Pastor Billy
Hi, Trinity Family! Summer ministries went well with LiveUCF – gathering summer students on campus for events and worship while also visiting congregations around the district on weekends. We look forward to Fall Semester starting this coming week and gathering students! Thanks for continued support, connections, and prayers. On the funding side, we are grateful to have been added to the benevolences of Trinity and look forward to another LiveUCF Sunday at Trinity in the near future to celebrate our partnership. Quick re-cap: LiveUCF is the mission congregation on the campus of UCF and is funded by churches like Trinity and individual donors. Thanks for supporting our work! We are now planning our first annual Gala and will have a firm date soon (sadly the original date has been postponed due to recent events). It will be great night to celebrate this new ministry and meet leaders and students. Of course the night will also helps us meet the budget. More info coming soon! To support Live through monetary donations, please visit Live online: LiveUCF.com/support
On a personal note, many of you have heard that my Dad is in the hospital after suffering a heart attack. Thank you for all the prayers and messages of encouragement. He has a long road to recovery ahead of him, so please keep those prayers coming!
Blessings, peace, enjoy the Fall! Go Vikings, Go Knights, and see you soon! – Pastor Billy Billy@LiveUCF.com
Meeting Highlights Special Voters’ Assembly Meeting Sunday, August 9, 2015
- Meeting called to order with 37 voting members present
- Pastor Martin provided a membership report that baptized membership is currently at 1,332 with average weekend worship service attendance at 333 through July 2015.
- The next new members class starts in mid-September, hopefully on Tuesday evenings
- Work continues on updating the 9:30 AM service to be more contemporary in nature. Pastor stressed the importance of congregational support and feedback as he and the elders continue to adapt this service.
- Kathy Aber reported that for the K-8 program, all teaching and support staff have been hired with the exception the 2nd-3rd grade teacher. Dr. Brockberg provided that there is an interview on Monday morning for the remaining teaching slot
- New building Building Update: The classrooms and facilities are ready for children and they will be moved into the new facility as soon as the certificate of occupancy (CO) is officially received and DCF inspections are finalized. Due to several permitting issues, the CO has been delayed.
- Look for notification on ways that members can assist in the final move
- In light of the CDC delays the dedication ceremony has been postponed with a date TBD.
- The Gym floor is nearly complete.
- Stephanie Landis provided and update on Senior Pastor Call Committee. The call committee membership has been finalized and includes the Vice-President and President of the congregation, the Interim Senior Pastor and Head Elder. At large members include Rocky Smothers, Bruce Hahn, Jen Blackwood, Mike Hofmann, and Bonnie Roby. The first meeting is planned for September.
- A motion was passed by unanimous vote to name the new Child Development Center building the “New Century Center”, the motion also included language to develop a dedication in the entrance/lobby to the memory of Wren Aber who championed this project since its inception.
- Leadership Council brought forth the idea of naming additional campus buildings in order to provide identity to campus buildings, assist in orientation around the campus, and to provide character and meaning consistent with Trinity’s history.
- Justin Tayon, the recently hired Music Teacher, was introduced. Justin is a recent graduate of Concordia University Seward. Justin will teach 4th grade and music and participate in the Music Ministry at Trinity.
OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) Luncheon Fellowship
On Friday, August 28th, please join us for lunch at High Tide Harry’s located at 4645 South Semoran Boulevard, Orlando 32822. Please call Bob and Audrey Gordon to confirm at 407-897-1418. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Worship Greeter Teams
“Welcome to Trinity, I’m so happy you are joining us for worship today!” We want everyone to see a big smile and hear and feel a welcoming spirit when they come to our worship services. Greeters can provide this warm welcome as people enter for worship — especially to our treasured guests. We are organizing the “Greeter Teams” for the coming year. Will you help welcome worshippers this year by joining a Greeter Team? Write “Greeter” on your blue attendance card this week, contact Omar/Gladys Dittmer at odittmer892@gmail.com or contact the church office at TLC@TrinityDowntown.com for full information and schedules.
YOUR School Book List
Trinity Congregation members love their school mission outreach! Our Lutheran education is centered and based on the message of love from God, our Father, through Jesus Christ, so naturally The Bible is #1 on the book list for Trinity. You can help with this mission project by sponsoring a Bible with a $15.00 minimum donation. Questions? Contact Deaconess Liz: eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
It’s an EVEnt
The Lord made a woman as a suitable helper for the man He had formed from the dust of the ground. Every daughter of Eve is welcome and invited to the quarterly held “Supper & a Speaker” EVEnt on Thursday, September 3. It’s an evening of laughter and interesting information, with a little service occasionally thrown in. This time, show off your slow cooker, crock-pot skills, or your overnight in the fridge then pop-it-in-the oven dish. Bring enough to share with 10-12 women. We meet in Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m. Please talk to Deaconess Liz – 407-488-1919 X 127, or eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Still Time to Hit the Beach
The final registration deadline is still two weeks away, so the Women’s Retreat to the Beach is open and waiting for you. Come to Sirata Beach Resort in St. Petersburg the weekend of September 25-27, 2015, and for $140.00 you will eat, relax, and be spiritually rejuvenated. Sirata Beach Resort is directly on the beautiful Gulf of Florida, and is offering special LWML rates. For more information go to the website: www.flgalwml.com or pick up a copy of the Evangel printed for you on the LWML table in the back east narthex. Final registration deadline is August 30, 2015.
Latest Facebook Post was seen by more than 10 THOUSAND people!
If you have a facebook account search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction and more. Please “like” the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted, and so that you’re able to share with others! The difference between 500 people learning about Trinity and 10,000 people learning about Trinity, is a factor of how many times we share the Trinity posts on our own personal pages. So please share posts from Trinity so friends and family and people we don’t yet know can learn more about what Trinity has to offer!
Here’s the Buzz
Can you open a box? Can you follow simple instructions? I’ll bet you can! Being a Sunday School Leader at Trinity means you spend 20 minutes once a week reading a devotion and prayer, and then 1 hour on Sunday morning sharing the contents of a box with children. Beginning September 13, children in Pre-K4 through 5th grade will begin their special time with Jesus in Bible adventures. YOU can give an hour each week (or every other week) to lead a group of children. It’s as easy as opening a box and following the directions. WE NEED 3 MORE VOLUNTEERS to make our program continuous and safe for our children. Please talk to Deaconess Liz: 407-488-1919 X 127 or eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Craft Fair at Lutheran Haven
Don’t miss the annual Craft Fair being held at The Lutheran Haven on Saturday, September 12, 2015, 9am – 4pm with refreshments. Please check it out! Flyers available in the Narthex.
Used Pick-up Truck Needed
Trinity’s maintenance department is in need of a used pick-up truck. If you have a pick-up truck that runs that you are willing to donate to the church, we would be forever grateful. Please contact Trinity’s General Manager, Eric Havens at Eric.Havens@trinitydowntown.com or call at 407-488-1919, ext. 108. Blessings.
Share With Those In Need
The last verses of Acts chapter two describe a new fellowship of Christ believers who have everything in common and share with anyone as he has a need. Perhaps you were not aware that Trinity has a monetary account specifically designed for sharing with those in need. Only designated donations build the available funds for Pastor to share with discretion on rent, food, car repair, travel, or utilities expenses when the load becomes a burden. Many of the recipients have been blessed to return the gifted funds, but we do not expect our brothers and sisters in Christ to see our gift as a loan or debt. To keep a sufficient amount of money available for assisting our congregation members, staff, and neighbors, a FIFTH SUNDAY DOOR COLLECTION begins on August 29-30, 2015. Along with the gifts of groceries (Food on the Fifth) a free-will door offering for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund will be requested. Questions or Comments: Deaconess Liz 407-488-1919 X 127, eborth@trinitydowntown.com.
Don’t Miss Out
You’re invited to the Lutheran Counseling Services 25th Anniversary Banquet on October 10, 2015 from 5:30-8:00 pm; “Grace-Healing-Hope”. Join us as we celebrate 25 years and look forward to the future. The event MC’s are President Walton of FL-GA District and Bishop Schaeffer of FL-BH Synod. Catered by Chef Scott with the Music Styling’s of David Ludwig Jr. TICKETS ON SALE NOW: 1 for $20 or grab a friend and pay $30 for 2 Purchase your ticket now. For more information on this event, volunteer opportunities and the services we provide visit our website www.lcsfl.com/events or call Jamie at 407.644.4692. Table and Event Sponsorships are also available.
Make a Life Choice
Here is a suggestion some of you will realize is the open door God provides for those who seek Him: True Life Choice needs a larger space. This is a good problem for a Christian non-profit organization whose focus is to guide women to choose life instead of abortion. What does this mean to YOU? God will show you where your gifts can best impact life, but He has provided an opportunity for True Life Choice to purchase a larger building located 587 feet from an Orlando abortion clinic, and just a little over a mile from Planned Parenthood. The LUCERNE PROJECT is running a race to meet a September 13 deadline in raising money for the property purchase. Perhaps this is your time to get involved. Donate through Trinity (mark your check “True Life Choice”) or directly to True Life Choice: www.truelifechoice.org.
Youth News
High School Youth Events
- September 11th: Trinity Youth go to Night of Joy! Join us for a night of great music, good friends and Disney World! THE DEADLINE IS AUGUST 26TH! Details:
- Depart Trinity parking lot at 6:00pm (Mike & Laura will be there at 5:30pm)
- Cost: $65 by August 26th (if check, to be paid to Trinity Church with Memo line Night of Joy)
- Michael and Laura can drive, as well as some parents have volunteered to drop off/pick up.
- Wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for the theme park!
- $ for snacks! We will probably stop for snacks on the way home, but at dinner before you come, or bring money to buy dinner.
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7403, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Middle School Youth Events
- September 11th: Night of Joy (see information above)
- November 6-8: Middle School Youth Gathering. Senior Confirmation Students (grades 7 and 8), the FL-GA District Middle School Youth Gathering is coming this Fall. Information on registration and fees will be available soon, but mark your calendars for this weekend to grow in your faith with friends! November 6-8, 2015, Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL. If you’re interested, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Blackwood at mom23girls@cfl.rr.com.
Your Church belongs to YOU
All members are important, no matter what age. Trinity encourages all high school young people to volunteer for service for weekend Worship Services.
- Powerpoint and Sound Board operation allows you to show off your interest or skills in simple technology.
- Usher team is fabulous because you aren’t solely responsible. You work with a group of trained and experienced people.
- Greet our members and visitors as they enter for worship. Super short service time! 15 minutes before each service you smile and shake a hand. You might ask the name of someone you don’t recognize and then share yours. That’s it!
- Reading the Bible lessons requires a clear and steady voice and a little bit of preparation so you don’t stumble over those names. Every service has one assigned reader, so sign up for the service you normally attend with your family.
- And, as many of you are trained and skilled in Acolyte service, you can continue doing just that.
Contact Deaconess Liz with your decision as soon as you can. Each of our young adult members will receive a letter in the mail this week as a reminder. eborth@trinitydowntown.org or 407-488-1919 X 127.
Trinity Events
August 22 8a-Noon Campus Care/Moving Day
August 23 Blessing of the Backpacks in all services, 11am faculty and staff blessing, tours of the New Century Center, K-8 Open House
August 24 K-8 Back to School!
September 3 Supper and a Speaker
September 7 Trinity Campus Closed for Labor Day
Attendance & Giving
16-Aug-15 | |
Worship Attendance | |
6:00 p.m. | 36 |
8:00 a.m. | 59 |
9:30 a.m. | 87 |
11:00 a.m. | 99 |
Total | 281 |
Sunday School | |
Adult’s Bible Class | 24 |
Children’s Bible Class | 5 |
Contributions | |
Current & Missions: | |
C & M Budget | $ 20,085 |
C & M Actual | $ 11,758 |
Faithfully Forward | $ 34,291 |
Historical Debt | $ 55 |
SOS/Faith Factor | $ 125 |
Dedicated Funds | $ 37,743 |