This past weekend during worship services and Sunday School classes, we asked some of you to practice Step 1 of the Gratitude Challenge which is “Name it.” Written on index cards, those things/people for which people are most thankful were shared — in pen, pencil, crayon and even come drawings! What were they?
Name it! 
The question asked was, “What are you thankful for?”
- for good friends
- for family that supports and encourages me
- for friends
- for family
- for all the things that God gave me
- for making others happy by giving
- for family and friends
- for Sunday school students
- for everyone that makes me happy
- for God and my family
- for family
- for family
- for love, family, friends, food andwater
- for health, family, friends, church family
- for my life and good health, for family and friends
- for my life, my family, that I am able to help others who are less fortunate, for 50 years of marriage to a wonderful husband, for being able to worship with my church family
- for my family, for Trinity Lutheran Church & School, for a free country, flowers and trees and birds in my back yard, for a vehicle to drive, good health, music, food to eat, friends and a comfortable home
- for family and Jesus, for friends and the holidays, for clothes and food, God, parents, my brother, uncles and aunts
- I’m thankful for all I have, family, friends and life. But most of all for my religion and my faith in God. I could not survive without Jesus being my savior and my shepherd and promising me a life after death with him in heaven and for him choosing me as one of his sheep.
- I’m thankful for my children and friends, healthy, stability and everything about my life.
- for family and friends
- for family, friends, teachers, parents, pets and mountains.
- for my wonderful daughter. She is there any time I need her.
- for family’s love, good health, and our church.
- for family and three precious daughters-in-law, home (despite three burglaries), job (Christian workplace), health, Trinity Lutheran Church and friends
- for good health and family, for my children (even when they drive me crazy), my wonderful, loving husband, all my blessings too numerous to list
- for Jesus and God
- for Trinity Lutheran Church and family to worship with
- for my belongings and my family
- for our daughter and our family, for YOU Lord God, for your blessings
- for friends and family, for Pastor Zehnder, for the call committee, church leaders and workers, that I live in the US and that I am a child of God
- for my family
- for good health, family and friends, and a Gracious God to watch over us always
- I am thankful for my wife of 55 years
- for family, food, shelter and peace
- for my church, the fellowship at Trinity, and for Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior
- for God’s providential care of all of my family’s safety &well-being. Amen!
- for my husband and our long marriage of kindness, for my Trinity friends and teachers and my family, for all of the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me & mine.
- for time, family, books, time to myself, quiet, plants and animals, Jesus, the Word of God, good food, my friend, Scotland, learning.
- I’m thankful that God decided to make man, and I’m happy that my family loves me!
- for healthy children, healthy parents, God’s promise fulfilled, the end of election 2016
- for healthy children
- for God’s blessings, grace and love for all
- for God, for my faith, for family and friends
- for love of family and God’s daily blessings!
- for my family
- for warm water in the shower, for toothpaste and teeth to keep clean
- for being engaged and sharing our joy with our family
- for my wife, our new home, friends, church and job
- for loving friends and family faithfully praying and visiting
- that on my most difficult days my God is there with me – always has been – always will be.
Don’t forget steps 2 and 3:
Communicate your thanks to someone — in person, in prayer, in a photo, a thank you note (written, emailed, texted – whatever works). Make it personal and specific.
- If you are grateful for a person or something that person did (or didn’t do) — tell them
- If you are grateful for what God has provided — thank God for it
- If you are grateful for events/circumstances/something you made use of, etc (finding an extra $5, hot coffee, sleeping in, no traffic, no homework, trantrum-free mornings, time with grands, etc) post a thank you aloud to all. #TrinityDowntownGC
Encourage others to participate in this 30 day challenge with you. You will multiply the blessings from your efforts if lots of people around you are also participating. Each day make an effort to be a blessing to someone else. In that way, you guarantee they have something to add to their own gratitude list!