THANK YOU to the 30 plus people who helped on Saturday at our Trinity “Campus Care/Service Day”, and helped transform our facilities into a beautiful Trinity campus. With 30 people and 60 hands, what amazing work was done in just 4 hours. Everyone working together …. old members, new members, school parents, friends.
Thanks much to David and Gail Wilkosz, Chris Gerou, Clay Bourgeois, Leo Nagy, John Levinson, Glenda Frazier, Diann Grover, Catherine Simmons & son, Janine Delehunt, Tian and Jessica Chan, Dennis & Janice Glander, Loren Roby, Brent Killinger, Susan Roby, Josh Waiters, J.J. Alexander, Steve Kerestes, Brendan O’Brien, Ben Wasielewski, Geoff & Faith Zemicke, Pastor Zehnder, Kevin and Susan Brockberg, Peggy Trapp, Audrey Gordon, Omar and Gladys Dittmer.
Everyone had a great time making our church/school campus one of beauty for God’s glory!