A message from Pastor Zehnder
The conversations with Trinity started last November. It went something like “Would there be any chance that you would be available to assist at Trinity as an Interim Pastor?” Conversation ensued and here I (we) are. I am truly humbled to be given the trust that comes with your “call.” Jackie and I thank you for your warm welcome and continued patience as we walk this road together.
In three months or so I will have opportunity with you to review this “Call” to see that it is still helpful for you and possible for me and Jackie to continue. So put this on your prayer list.
This is a remarkable congregation. Your history is fascinating and the ministry you are involved in is superlative. It takes such energy to keep the wheels moving at Trinity, and you are supplying such energy. Keep the level high! We need total commitment as we go forward in the proclamation of the Gospel which is THE ministry of Trinity.
Our school programs (infants through 8th grade) are the finest examples of such organizations! Excellence is everywhere! Thanks to all who make these things happen.
I look forward to worship this weekend and in our future together as the Lord Jesus gives! -trz
And, P.S.Kids should be in the services of worship with their parents! Here’s a portion of an email I received from one of our mothers who passed on to me an interesting comment made by one of the children of the family (age 6!) after last Sunday:
“As I was bringing (my son) to school, he, out of the blue, piped up and said that from now on it was ok for him to sleep in church! I had no idea he was actually listening to your sermon and you’ve started a bad precedent in a kid who’s only 6. I absolutely love it …”
Eutychus speaks: “I love it too!” As we do…