“Ready or not, here we come!”
It’s time to break ground for our CDC expansion! God has heard our prayers for the folks in the City of Orlando Permitting Department, and we’ve overcome the major hurdles that have stopped our project in its tracks since last October. We received the permit we needed two weeks ago, did the work, passed the inspections, and, as this is written, are only three steps from moving the children from the Ruth Street houses into the Ministry Center. Once they are there our housemover is ready to spring into action, clearing the way for construction to begin.
So it’s time for us to stand on the actual dirt, ask God to bless it, and turn it over with a gold shovel! We can’t imagine a better time than Sunday, February 16th, as we move from our combined worship service toward our meal in the gym. Please plan to join Trinity Members and Trinity School Families as we worship at 10:00 am, break ground about 11:30, and celebrate with a great meal immediately afterward.
Rev. Dr. Jeffery C. Moore, Senior Pastor