Bells & Choir
Let’s Make A Joyful Noise!
In Psalm 100, we’re instructed to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing and ringing.” Well, maybe we’ve taken a little creative liberty with adding ringing, but none the less, the choir and bells of Trinity love to make a joyful noise.
Parish Choir – Rehearsals are held in the church basement or balcony Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm, except during Advent and Lent when we meet at 7:50 after the evening service. Please join us – if you love to sing and you love God, singing in the choir is perfect for you! No prior singing experience is needed, just a willing heart. To join or find out more, contact Paul Soost at sooster67@yahoo.com.
First Floor Once In A While Choir (FFOIAWC) – the name says it all! This choir is for everyone (men and women, teens and adults) who wants to praise God with singing but cannot make a weekly commitment and/or has trouble getting up to the balcony. We sing “once in a while” at the late service, with a practice at 10:20am right before the service. Since there isn’t a set schedule for rehearsals, if you would like to join us, please contact contact Tom Naus at tom.naus@trinitydowntown.com or nausthomas@yahoo.com. for the next singing date.
Bells – Rehearsals are held in the church balcony Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm, except during Advent and Lent when we meet at 6:00 pm. We have room for more ringers, especially alternates! To join or find out more, contact Tom Naus at tom.naus@trinitydowntown.com or nausthomas@yahoo.com.
Make a More Joyful Noise Choir – a couple of times a year we extend an invitation for anyone and everyone to join the choir for a quick rehearsal and then to sing in a worship service together! It’s a fun time. Watch your weekly news for the next invitation! Below is a photo from our May 2018 group along with regular choir members. It was so much fun!
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing and ringing.

Our worship services use the gifts of musicians of all kind. If you play an instrument and would like to share your talents in worship on Sunday mornings, please contact Tom Naus. If you’re interested in playing at a Saturday evening service, please contact David Ludwig at dgludwigjr@aol.com.
Trinity Brass: Any brass players interested in playing at special services, please contact Eva at Eva21@aol.com
Music Ministry Leaders

Dr. Thomas Naus
Sunday Traditional Worship Leader
Tom Naus, a native of Pennsylvania, holds the degrees of Bachelor of Music, magna cum laude, Master of Music from Temple University and Doctor of Philosophy in applied music, theory, and musicology from Michigan State University. He studied organ with Franklin Kiehner, Dr. Pierce Getz, Dr. J. Earl Ness, and Dr. Corliss Arnold, and choral conducting with Dr. Elaine Brown. His first career, spanning 27 years, was as a full-time church musician in three churches in Pennsylvania and Florida. During those years he directed choirs of all ages, took many choirs on tour, including to Europe, and conducted numerous large choral works with orchestra. In Pennsylvania, he also served as Assistant Conductor and Chorusmaster of Berks Grand Opera and as an adjunct professor at Alvernia University in Reading. Tom’s second career involved 17 years with Orange County Public Schools, a number of those years as Director of Choral Activities and music teacher at Ocoee High School. He retired from OCPS in 2018. In addition, he has served continually as a part-time church musician.

David Ludwig, Jr.
Saturday Worship Leader
David Ludwig, Jr. is a graduate of Valparaiso University and The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He served for many wonderful years as Minister of Music at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and currently serves as Worship and Arts Director at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Winter Park, as well as Saturday evening worship leader at Trinity Downtown. David regularly takes part in local musical performances and celebrations, sharing his talent with the community. He loves to make music with all, especially with his wife, Janet, and his two sons, Ben and Chris.

Paul Soost
Volunteer Asstistant Choir Director
Paul Soost joined Trinity’s Parish Choir prior to becoming a member of Trinity Downtown! Paul has sung with church choirs since he was in kindergarten and finds the view from the choir loft preferable to sitting in the pews on the main level. By day, he’s a marketing professional for a nonprofit organization. He’s also a member of the Comfort Dog Ministry at Trinity Downtown. If you want to have a better view in church, enjoy singing (notice he didn’t say you have to sing well), and want to meet some great people, please email Paul at sooster67@yahoo.com for details on joining Trinity’s Parish Choir.
Psalm 96:1 ~ Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!