Saturday morning a small group from Trinity’s Outreach Ministry Team spent the morning walking around Trinity’s neighborhood meeting residents, taking prayer requests and sharing flyers inviting everyone to The Great Easter Surprise and Easter services. With maps, notebooks and flyers, they spread out over the area, and enjoyed a beautiful morning visiting with our Lake Eola Heights neighbors. They met people walking, biking, working in their yards and sprucing up the round-a-bouts in the neighborhood.
They wrapped up with lunch at the Handy Pantry on Amelia Ave – a local market and lunch spot frequented by many of our Trinity family & neighbors run by Arati and Dev (if you haven’t had lunch there, give it a try and introduce yourself).
Thanks to everyone who gave their time Saturday morning to continue building relationships with Trinity’s neighbors and our community! And many thanks to our neighborhood friends for being such wonderful neighbors, sharing prayer request and visiting with us a bit!
If you’d like to participate in the next Neighborhood walk, please contact the church office at and we’ll put you in touch with the coordinators.