Service Times
Saturdays at 6pm
Blended Worship
A more informal service which serves as an alternative for those who cannot attend on Sunday morning. The message and theme is identical to Sunday morning worship services, but the music and format differ a bit. In this service, like all of our worship services, the Lord’s Supper is celebrated every week.
Sundays at 9:00am
Contemporary Worship
This service is led by a praise team of instrumentalists and singers, using current worship and praise songs. The atmosphere is informal, but the theme and message are identical to our other three services. If you want to connect with the Lord in song, dig into His Word, and meet in a relaxed setting with other folks seeking to apply the Bible to everyday life, this may be the place for you.
Sundays at 11:15am
Traditional Liturgical Worship
This service uses the liturgies, hymns and prayers of the “Lutheran Service Book,” accompanied by organ music. If you’re new to liturgical worship click here to learn more. You’ll discover the rich heritage of Christian worship. Each service is designed to engage the worshiper in teaching and praise that is rich in biblical content, and easily followed via hymnals in the pews and our four projected screens. Our sermons are Biblically-based and full of life applications.

Worship Guide
All of our services follow the same liturgical flow, even if the words and music vary. Praise and worship, confession and absolution, reading and teaching God’s Word, professing our faith and responding to God’s grace with prayer and offerings – these elements are woven into all of our worship, from the most traditional to most contemporary. The worship guide is a document inside every pew and available here for download that explains the various parts of our traditional worship service. You will recognize most of the elements in our contemporary service even though they may not be called by the same name. We trust that you will find your worship experience to be more meaningful when you understand why we are doing it! Please feel free to download, copy, and share this document – and know that it’s in print form, so think of that as you open it!
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