Good Friends,  We walk by faith with our Lord Jesus through the events of Holy Week.

Today is Maundy Thursday. We will be together at Noon and at 7 this evening to remember how Jesus met with his beloved friends, the Twelve and others, for the Passover meal. As they moved through the ritual of that commemoration Jesus took bread and said, “This is my body!” Then the wine and the words “This is my blood of the new covenant.” The words are astounding and the effect is miraculous. In our gatherings today we will experience that Gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus, and receiving that gift, we will again be cleansed and redeemed for eternity!

The Altar will be stripped and we will move out in the darkness of the Sanctuary, somber and pondering the Cross that looms on Golgotha.

Good Friday services(12:10PM and 7:00PM)  will be our undoing as we are confronted with the hideous reality of the Son of God crying out from and dying on that Cross. The Strepitus will alarm and stun us with the reality of the power of God’s Law which cries out for Sin’s ultimate punishment: death. But instead of the sinners there is Jesus the sinless Son of God taking our place.  God’s righteousness is satisfied in that death of His One and Only Son, Jesus.

The Easter Vigil on Saturday at 6:00PM, and the Easter Celebrations at 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00AM will usher us out of the darkness of the shadow of death into the brilliance of the Risen One.

Thanks be to God!  –trz

Holy Week worship services are listed here

2015 Easter Worship












And don’t miss the pancake breakfast on Easter Sunday morning served after the Sunrise service and until 10:30am.

pancake breakfast sq