by Ministry Communications | Apr 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
Good Friends, We walk by faith with our Lord Jesus through the events of Holy Week. Yesterday evening, the altar was stripped and we moved out in the darkness of the Sanctuary, somber and pondering the Cross that looms on Golgotha. Good Friday services today at...
by Ministry Communications | Apr 2, 2015 | Pastor Desk, Uncategorized
Good Friends, We walk by faith with our Lord Jesus through the events of Holy Week. Today is Maundy Thursday. We will be together at Noon and at 7 this evening to remember how Jesus met with his beloved friends, the Twelve and others, for the Passover meal. As they...
by Ministry Communications | Mar 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
THANK YOU to the 30 plus people who helped on Saturday at our Trinity “Campus Care/Service Day”, and helped transform our facilities into a beautiful Trinity campus. With 30 people and 60 hands, what amazing work was done in just 4 hours. Everyone...
by Ministry Communications | Mar 12, 2015 | Blog, Featured, Uncategorized
Have you ever experienced a difficult time in your life when you’ve felt alone and discouraged? During those times, were you able to find strength and support? SFTJ women’s retreat was created as a “coming away” opportunity for women who are...