by Ministry Communications | Feb 6, 2014 | Featured, Pastor Desk
Our Epiphany Sermon series shifts this week from telling who Jesus is to what He says. We being the Sermon on the Mount. The first week will be in the Beatitudes, Jesus proclaiming blessings upon people. Then at our joint worship service on February 16th, we will...
by Ministry Communications | Jan 30, 2014 | Featured, Pastor Desk
“Ready or not, here we come!” It’s time to break ground for our CDC expansion! God has heard our prayers for the folks in the City of Orlando Permitting Department, and we’ve overcome the major hurdles that have stopped our project in its tracks since last October. ...
by Ministry Communications | Jan 8, 2014 | Featured, Pastor Desk, Uncategorized
I hope you’ve enjoyed Trinity’s sanctuary Christmas trees as much as I have over the past dozen years! After the Fire Department advised us to stop using live trees in 2001, these 12 foot twin trees were purchased, and they have been beautiful since before I got here...
by Ministry Communications | Dec 4, 2013 | Featured, Pastor Desk, Uncategorized
I’ve been thinking lately (always a dangerous thing!) about random acts of kindness. I know you remember several years ago being urged to commit these, and maybe someone has shown random kindness to you. Summer before last, when Lisa and I were heading across the...
by Ministry Communications | Nov 12, 2013 | Featured, Pastor Desk
At our Circuit Pastors’ Conference today at Hope Lutheran Pastor Paul von Werder presented to us some ideas about discipleship that he’s been working on. It was really good stuff! One question that really caught my attention was how to define what it is to...
by Ministry Communications | Oct 29, 2013 | Featured, Pastor Desk
“Fun for the boy, death for the frog.” I don’t know where my dad came up with that saying—I’ve never heard it from anyone else—but, having been a boy, the gruesome truth of that saying has stuck with me. What the boy might consider fun would probably look entirely...