Trinity Missionaries Update

Trinity Missionaries Update

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has been involved in mission and outreach since 1851, when it established its first mission board. Today, the LCMS trains, sends and supports called and appointed career, long-term and short-term missionaries throughout the United...
Bring a Friend to Church Weekend

Bring a Friend to Church Weekend

September 18th is National Back to Church Sunday and we’ve designated it “Bring a Friend” to church weekend at Trinity (September 17th & 18th). Friendship is all about relationships!     Friendship is all about Jesus!   IT IS GOD’S PLAN TO...
K-9 Comfort for Orlando

K-9 Comfort for Orlando

Thank you Susie, Gracie, Hannah, Katie, Ruthie, Barnabas, Jacob, Phoebe, Jewel, Mahlah, Kye, and Sasha. Thank you to Lutheran Church Charities’ K-9 Comfort Dog program for responding so quickly and sharing love and comfort with the residents of Orlando.  From...