Welcome back, Pastor Brath! We are grateful for your on-going recovery and look forward to your gradual “re-entry!” God bless you and keep you in His care.
Pastor B will be preaching this Saturday/Sunday and the next. I will be at the 8 and 11 AM services assisting in the Liturgy. At 9:30 I will administer the Sacrament of Baptism at the beginning of the Service and then join the Confirmation Class for some conversation and study as we prepare for the Rite of Confirmation on April 26 at the 11 AM Service. I will miss you in the Worship and Preaching, but it will be great for me and helpful to have some interaction with the Confirmands.
As reported earlier, there will be a very brief meeting after the late service on March 29. The purpose: to obtain congregational authority to put our Call Committee in place for the eventual calling of a Senior Pastor for Trinity. This marks a step forward for the congregation and into the future. The Call Process follows well established guidelines which have been in place in our denomination since 1847! We refer to a Call sent to a church worker as a “Divine Call.” It is divine because it is the Lord’s Work. We believe that the Lord of the Church has already determined who the next Shepherd will be. The Call Process will guide us to that person! We will all pull together and pray together as we begin this next journey in the life of our beloved Trinity Evangelical Church and School!
Jackie and I have been with the congregation since January 5, 2015. It continues to be a joy and a challenge and we are grateful for your understanding and support. Personal and family matters have made it necessary for us to conclude my services as Intentional Interim Senior Pastor on May 31, 2015. That means that my time with you is just at mid-point. We have made much progress, and we have much to go. I look forward to working alongside all of you for the two and a half months still ahead. We are working with the President’s office of the Florida/Georgia District to cover the time from my departure until the arrival of your new Senior Pastor with pastoral assistance. So please support these efforts with your fervent prayer.
I write the above with misty eyes, but God is with us and our future as a congregation is bright!
We are in the process of establishing Ministry Teams. Those who have volunteered or have been suggested as team members by others will receive (have received) a letter thanking them and inviting them to a meeting set for April 8, 2015, 7PM. This meeting will serve as the official “kick-off” and organization of the teams. There could be 80 – 90 people present! What a great time it will be. The Ministry Teams being established now are: Evangelism, Stewardship, Youth, Fellowship/Small Groups, Media/Communications, and Property/Facilities. In addition our School Board and Elder Group are also considered Ministry Teams. There will always be opportunity to become a part of any Ministry Team, so feel free to step up and volunteer if you have not yet done so. More information coming!
Again, my personal thanks to all of you for your ongoing support and encouragement to Jackie and me. We love you all, dear Trinity Family!
And finally…
A few nights ago on national news there was a story about the most desirable Zip Code in the United States. This was referencing a study done to discover which area of the country was most desirable to a younger demographic and others who wanted to move into a city environment. AND THE WINNER IS: 32801!
32801 is our zip code! Most desirable zip code in the USA! And here we are. God put us here in the present church building in 1926. Our present is wonderful. But I am convinced that the future will be even more grand! Our property is incredible, our place is magnificent, smack dab in the dynamic city of Orlando, the City Beautiful! Right in the middle of it all! 32801. Surely the Lord has us in His hand for great things…So let’s be faithful in our church attendance and participation. Let’s step up our Stewardship so that we are able to support what God has given us!
This Wednesday at 12:10 and 7 PM we will meet for our final mid-week Lenten devotions. Someone mentioned that we are having “record” attendance at these services. Let’s fill the Sanctuary for the final gathering – This Wednesday. The Theme: The Cruciform Life: Tetelestai!