Trinity Family!
Have you ever heard of “Low Sunday?” It is the Sunday after Easter. While it is not listed in the official Church Year Calendar, it is universal. We observed it last Sunday, April 12. It is significant for an almost record low attendance and all that goes with it. Seems that a lot of folks just skip church after the Easter Feast! Wonder why?
I hope you will all gather this Sunday. We will be thinking together about “A Glimpse of Resurrection Beauty.” Based on the events and words of the Scripture readings we will go on an incredible journey of Resurrection Joy! Hope you will be there! “Away with you, Low Sunday! Away with you!” (:
Less than two weeks ago, on April 8, the newly established Ministry Teams gathered for the first time. I realize we have talked about this before, but I cannot help but say once more: It was an incredibly powerful gathering. The laity of this beautiful Trinity parish came together with a determination to join hands and hearts and move forward into the future God gives us as His church! Let us give thanks to God for this good start and pray fervently that the Spirit of God will continue to breathe into us strength and energy for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The Teams will assemble again on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 7 PM for discussion and ministry planning.
If you have not done so, please join in and participate with any of the Teams: Evangelism, Stewardship, Fellowship, Youth, Media, Properties/Facilities, Membership Matters. Call the office, speak to a Pastor, Deaconess, or any member of the Leadership Council for information.
On Wednesday, April 22, 2015, the Confirmands, their parents and loved ones, their prayer partners, the congregation… we will all join in the Sanctuary for a Faith-Sharing opportunity with our Confirmands: David Mooney, Spenser Tesch, Tyler Tellock, Thomas Kauffman, Alexander Erpenbach, Reagan Jeffery, Zack O’Rourke, Laura Fischer, Harrison Koller, Madeline Rawlings. Under the direction of their Teacher, Tim Norris, and assisted by Pastor Zehnder, the Confirmands will speak of the things they have “seen and heard” as they have studied the Word of God and the Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther. This faith sharing is a beautiful milestone for the Confirmands and an encouragement for all of us here at Trinity. Please come! Let’s fill the Sanctuary!
Sunday’s Voters’ Assembly is an extremely important gathering for Trinity congregation. It will begin after the 11 AM Service (about 12:30pm). There are by-law changes to address, and of course the election of our officers for the coming terms. And! Information regarding future pastoral ministry paths will be shared. You won’t want to miss this! See you there. -trz