A Message from Pastor Tom Zehnder
Trinity Family! I was impressed with the Voters’ Assembly meeting last Sunday. Congratulations!
I was taken by the concise and well thought out reports of those who made them! We have good leadership here! Those who have church-tasks take them seriously and it is evident that their service to Trinity comes from a heart filled with love for Christ and this, His Trinity Church!
Glenda reminded us that we have a full slate of nominations for all of the offices that need to be filled! That is quite remarkable. It seems that at Trinity we do not have to drag people by the feet to accept an office. In fact for Members at Large of the Leadership Team we need two, and four folks have allowed their names to stand. (Never fear! The two of the four “running” for those two seats… we have plans for other avenues of service for you! Thanks!
Those at the gathering last Sunday heard of the Ministry Teams that are being put in place. Filling these teams with willing servants in critical, because in our church governance plan, these are the people who make the ministry happen! Here are some of the teams under construction: Evangelism, Stewardship, Fellowship, Property/Building/Facilities, Youth Fellowship, Media/Communications. To this point 30 Trinity members have volunteered, or they have been suggested by others for these roles. We are grateful for these 30, and we need yet more. Trinity, we are moving forward!
May 31, 2015 will be a great day at Trinity. That Sunday marks “Consecration Sunday” the final day of our 2015 Stewardship Process. Each Sunday, from May 10th until the 31st we will highlight aspects of our lives as stewards of the possessions God has entrusted to us. This process is Gospel-driven. There will be no visits at your door, no frantic calls to increase your giving. Rather we will be led by the Spirit of God to take a good look at what we do give and ask ourselves if there is any more we might do. We MUST make considerable gains in the stewardship of our every Sunday giving. Without that, there will be painful consequences for our ministry together. We can overcome this, Trinity! Let’s pull together.
Consider joining the happy throng that is walking the Wednesday Lenten Journey. Services are at 12:10 PM and 7 PM. They are 35 to 40 minutes in length, quite informal, yet introspective and I think helpful for our spiritual growth. The overall theme is “The Cruciform Life.” This week we will consider “Caring.” We will be with Jesus as He looks from the agony of His cross and says to John, “Here is your mother…”
God bless us all! And He does – so beautifully.