A Few Notes from Pastor Tom Zehnder

Brothers and Sisters! Jackie and I are pleased to be walking with you in these days

Have you heard this quip? A harried man is running down the street, shouting as he goes: “There were five of them. They were dressed in red and white, three men and two women. They are carrying binders and documents of the greatest importance. I must find them! I am their leader!” That is not atypical for me to experience this angst several times a day at Trinity. This is not a bad thing, but is does indicate the busyness and work that goes on here day to day. Hats off to our staff, teachers, administrators, helpers, employees who work so faithfully to keep Trinity humming.

The Holy Season of Lent

And speaking of “walking together…” We have entered the holy Season of Lent with Jesus and with each other. We say there are forty days in Lent. Counting from Ash Wednesday to Easter there are 46 days! But we don’t count Sundays as Lent! We call them Sundays in Lent, for each Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection. But all distinctions aside, this is a really good time to step back from the frenzy of our lives and spend time in devotion with Jesus as He walks unflinchingly to the Cross at Golgotha! He makes that holy Trek for us and beckons us to walk with Him..

On Wednesdays of Lent, we will meet at 12:10PM and 7:00PM for Lenten devotionals. The overall theme is: “The Cruciform Life,” the point being that we are “shaped” by Christ’s Cross and our lives may reveal that! Each week we will take a stab at understanding ourselves as “formed by the cross” for a life of sacrifice, joy, forgiveness, and so forth. I am sure we will gain by these brief devotional exercises. We will be “in and out” in forty minutes or less.  Bring  the kids – PLEASE. Join as a family in Christ.

I am eagerly awaiting our Maundy Thursday Communion Celebration Service and the Good Friday solemn and moving gathering. You won’t want to miss these services as they lead us directly into the incredible joy and gladness of Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ!

The Rite of Confirmation

Sunday, April 26, 2015, at the 11:00 AM Service our 8th grade Confirmands will receive the beautiful Rite of Confirmation. This is a Rite of Passage for our Lutheran young people, a step closer to an adult life of participation in and support of the congregation into which they are “confirmed.” Please keep them in your prayers:  Alex Erpenbach, Laura Fischer, Reagan Jeffery, Thomas Kauffman, Harrison Koller, David Mooney, Zack O’Rourke, Maddie Rawlings, Tyler Tellock, Spenser Tesch

Parents and Children, Worship as a Family

If you are a parent, please support these beautiful young people in their attempt to grow in their Faith and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. For these confirmation students and children of all ages participating  in 9:30 Sunday School /Bible Study/Confirmation instruction hour, please help them to be faithful in their learning and participation in the Church. While they are in their instruction classes at 9:30 AM on Sunday morning, please attend our Bible classes for the adults which meet at the same time, and then TOGETHER AS A FAMILY join in the worship of the congregation. Instruction in the Faith and worshipping as members of the Faith family are not the same. One is supported by the other.  Thanks. trz