Another walk through the Lake Eola Heights Neighboorhood today was such a fun experience for all who participated. (Anyone is welcome to participate, just let us know if you’re interested at You just never know how God will use you and bless you when we walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes you may see a need and have an opportunity to jump in to help, other times you might be able to receive a prayer request and pray with someone, and most often folks just really enjoy the chance to visit, get acquainted with new faces and names, and just learn a little bit about our friends and neighbors next door.
Someone from the Trintiy family was visiting with a neighbor, presumably someone she didn’t know, and after sharing a bit, they realized that this neighbor, Tim, was a former Kindergarten student of Gladys’ some 40 years ago! What a terrific surprise!

Pastor Doug was able to experience the musical talents of Dev Rai for the first time! The Rai family owns and operates the Handy Pantry on Amelia Street. Dev gave a beautiful solo rendition of Amzaing Grace! THANK YOU!!
We were also able to share news of upcoming community events and worship services at Trinity, and invited neighbors to come out and visit on our campus at the free Oktoberfest event next Friday, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
Thanks to all our friends in the LEH neighborhood who took a moment to visit and share a bit. We love being part of this amazing community with you all! See you on Friday at OKTOBERFEST!