Campus Work Day Was a Great Success!
Many thanks go out from our Properties Ministry Team to the almost 30 volunteers who showed up this past Saturday and weed, trim trees, and move things around. We successfully emptied one of the rooms in the church undercroft so it can be put to good use by the Trinity’s Youth groups! The beautification of the grounds generally spruced up the front of the Sanctuary and the New Century Center in preparation for our Dedication on Sunday, March 13. Many hands definitely made light work. We all gathered afterward for a light lunch and enjoyed some much needed fellowship time with one another as well! What a great Saturday morning! Stay tuned for details of our next campus work day – likely sometime this summer as we make some headway on revitalization projects and find other areas that need some extra love and care.
Properties Ministry Team
In addition, the Properties Ministry Team will be putting together a list several mini-projects to get started on (things like small painting or safety repair needs). If you’d like to get involved with Properties Ministry Team to help on a special project every now and then, please let us know. You can contact Jenn Castillo at or Eric Havens at for more information.