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Trinity Family

 A Message from Pastor Martin

What a summer!  Your Trinity staff and a whole bunch of volunteers are SO READY FOR LABOR DAY WEEKEND. A MUCH NEEDED HOLIDAY to celebrate the blessings of dedicated laborers of all kinds.  Thanks to the hundreds of laborers who built our New Century Center.  Thanks to those who labored for hundreds of hours to move into the CDC, to get the K-8 classrooms ready. And late this week we “laid to rest” those tired, old modular classrooms that served us so well!  A “Sabbath” weekend to do what God did on the seventh day: “He looked at everything He had made, and behold it was good!”

This coming week we’ll be gearing up for Fall.  Sunday, September 13, is Rally Day.  Not only will be introducing all our Sunday School students to their teachers, but we’ll be doing a Blessing of the Confirmands as they begin or continue their studies. This is the year Trinity completes the switch to sixth and seventh grade confirmation classes, with our last group of eighth graders in the second year class. After our 9:30 parents’ meeting on September 13, classes will switch to Sunday afternoons from 2-4pm every other weekend, beginning Sunday, September 20.

Sunday, September 13 is also the launch date for another Sunday morning adult Bible class as one of our elders, Steve Kerestes, leads a study of the Gospel of Mark at 11 am.  The 9:30 Adult Bible Study continues in the Fellowship Hall, and a Bible Study for Moms of All Ages continues at 9:30 in one of the loggia classrooms.

Please keep praying for our Deaconess Liz Borth for a complete recovery from her car accident injuries now that her broken arm has been surgically repaired.

Speaking of prayer… our LCMS Synodical President Rev. Matthew Harrison has asked every congregation to set aside Saturday, September 12 as a Day of Prayer, especially in light of a number of issues that threaten the lives of unborn children, and of marriage and family life.  We encourage everyone to spend time in prayer.  We’ll be posting some resources, and we’re planning a “Time of Prayer” from 5:00 to 5:45pm Saturday, Sept. 12 in the Sanctuary.  I will be leading the prayers, with help from others.  Saturday night worshipers are invited to come early.  Others may wish to stay for the 6 pm service, or go about your normal Saturday evening activities.

Finally, our Ministry Team Facilitators had their first Fall Planning meeting.  Expect to see lots of activity, like a schedule of Fall Fellowship Events, Sunday morning Coffee hour, and opportunities to get involved in outreach, stewardship, and education ministries.

You all are invited to join our new incoming members and new full-time CDC & K-8 staffers in the 8 week Fall Foundations series, starting Tuesday, September 22 at 7 pm!  Register by emailing the church office at


Thank You

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  This past weekend’s offering added more than $400 to this fund, which is set aside specifically for those who find themselves in some kind of temporary crisis which presents an urgent financial need.  


Last Week for Bible Sponsors

We are 10 Bibles short of our goal.  Please consider sponsoring  this church to school outreach which provides Bibles to students in our school ministry.  A suggested donation is $15, but you may certainly choose whatever amount is appropriate for you.


Hello from Trinity Lutheran School’s PTL!

Whether you are a staff member, parent, or church member, PTL has plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in our shared ministry events. PTL events like our first-ever Fall Pumpkin Patch and the HUGE annual Touch-A-Truck event connect our school, church, and surrounding community. These events not only raise funds to support our school (Infants to 8th Grade), but they draw big crowds from the surrounding community to our church! We need your help to make them happen! The first planning meetings for the Pumpkin Patch and Touch-A-Truck are coming up. We hope to see you there!  

  • Pumpkin Patch Planning Meeting: Wednesday, September 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the middle classroom on the loggia.
  • Touch-A-Truck Planning Meeting:  Monday, September 14, at 6:00 p.m. in the middle classroom on the loggia.


Growing Together II

Our Church and School ministries are entering into a second year of our “Growing Together” ministry focus. This year we will cultivate a practice of “growing deeper” and being firmly “rooted” in Christ, using Colossians 2:6-7 as our focus; Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.  We can’t wait to see the creative ideas that are generated from this new focus!  If you have ideas, please share them with us at! We’re looking forward to another year of Growing Together with all of you!


It’s Time To Make A Joyful Noise!

In Psalm 100, we’re instructed to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing and ringing.” We’ll, maybe we’ve taken a little creative liberty with adding ringing, but none the less, the choir and bells of Trinity are ready to make a joyful noise. Are you?   Join us as we return from our summer break. The more the merrier. Rehearsals begin Wednesday, September 9, and continue every Wednesday following. No prior ringing or singing experience is needed, just a willing heart, which we know you have! For additional information on bells, please contact Glenda Frazier at For additional information on choir, please contact Paul Soost at

Bells – First rehearsal is Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30 pm, meet in the church balcony. We have room for more ringers, especially alternates! To join or find out more, contact Glenda Frazier at

Choir – First rehearsal is Wednesday, September 9 at 7:30 pm, meet in the church basement. Please join us – if you love to sing and you love God, singing in the choir is perfect for you! To join or find out more, contact Paul Soost at


Office Help Needed – Microsoft Word

Trinity is in need of someone to reformat job descriptions in multiple formats used over the years to one standardized format for all Trinity positions.  This formatting will be done in Microsoft Word and requires the use of a computer with Microsoft Word, attention to detail, and an understanding of basic categories in a job description.   If you’re interested in helping, please contact General Manager, Eric Havens at 407-488-1919 x108.  Thanks so much!


Greetings from Pastor and Lisa Moore!  

Congratulations on moving into the New Century Center and starting a new school year.  We’re celebrating with you all, and praying for Trinity and all the families the school ministry reaches.  Please pray for us, too, as Pastor Moore was installed this past Sunday as the Intentional Interim Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School, Concordia, Missouri.  We believe we’ll be there about 8 to 10 months, but only God knows how long it will be, of course.  God bless you!  (If you’d like to correspond, the new address is 205 S. Main Street, Concordia, MO 64020)


Worship Greeter Teams                                                                                                       

“Welcome to Trinity, I’m so happy you are joining us for worship today!”  We want everyone to see a big smile and hear and feel a welcoming spirit when they come to our worship services. Greeters can provide this warm welcome as people enter for worship — especially to our treasured visitors. We are organizing the “Greeter Teams” for the coming year.  Will you help welcome worshippers  this year by joining a Greeter Team?  Write “Greeter” on your blue attendance card this week, contact Omar/Gladys Dittmer at or contact the church office at  for full information and schedules.


Sunday School

Sunday School begins next week, September 13th.  we’ll begin together in teh church undercroft (basement), then break into separate classrooms. We have some amazing Sunday School Leaders lined up to start the Fall quarter with classes for all children ages 4 through 5th grade.  Pam Yates, Nicole Pickering & Holly Hendrix, Traci Brown & Liz Bradley, and Bob Gordon will guide children through the Bible and open their eyes to see Jesus as they’ve never seen Him before.  With behind the scenes support from Lisa Warren and encouragement from Bill Ruffier, this year will be a strong reflection of our ongoing commitment to Christ-centered education here at Trinity.  Thoughts or questions, please contact the church: 407-488-1919 X 101 or  


Craft Fair at Lutheran Haven

Don’t miss the annual Craft Fair being held at The Lutheran Haven on Saturday, September 12, 2015, 9am – 4pm with refreshments.  Please check it out!   Flyers available in the Narthex.


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Youth News

High School Youth Events

  • September 11th:  Trinity Youth go to Night of Joy! (Deadline was Aug 26th).  Details for those attending:
    • Depart Trinity parking lot at 6:00pm (Mike & Laura will be there at 5:30pm)
    • Michael and Laura can drive, as well as some parents have volunteered to drop off/pick up.
    • Wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for the theme park!
    • $ for snacks! We will probably stop for snacks on the way home, but at dinner before you come, or bring money to buy dinner.

For more info:  Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7403, email, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!


Middle School Youth Events

  • September 11th:  Night of Joy (see information above)
  • November 6-8:  Middle School Youth Gathering.  Senior Confirmation Students (grades 7 and 8), the FL-GA District Middle School Youth Gathering is coming this Fall.  Information on registration and fees will be available soon, but mark your calendars for this weekend to grow in your faith with friends!  November 6-8, 2015, Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, Leesburg, FL.  If you’re interested, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Blackwood at  


Your Church belongs to YOU

All members are important, no matter what age.  Trinity encourages all high school young people to volunteer for service for weekend Worship Services.

  • Powerpoint and Sound Board operation allows you to show off your interest or skills in simple technology.
  • Usher team is fabulous because you aren’t solely responsible.  You work with a group of trained and experienced people.
  • Greet our members and visitors as they enter for worship.  Super short service time!  15 minutes before each service you smile and shake a hand.  You might ask the name of someone you don’t recognize and then share yours.  That’s it!
  • Reading the Bible lessons requires a clear and steady voice and a little bit of preparation so you don’t stumble over those names. Every service has one assigned reader, so sign up for the service you normally attend with your family.
  • And, as many of you are trained and skilled in Acolyte service, you can continue doing just that.  

Contact the church office with your decision as soon as you can.  Each of our young adult members will receive a letter in the mail this week as a reminder. or 407-488-1919 X 101.


High School Bible Class

Every Sunday morning throughout the summer (unless notified), 8th-12th grade students will continue to meet and share in discussions of God’s grace and mercy.  Your faith will come alive and your belief will be challenged and strengthened when you get together.  9:30  a.m. in the school art room (second floor school building) is the place to be with Laura and Mike.  Contact

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Trinity Events


September 7  Trinity Campus Closed for Labor Day

September 9  Bells 6:30 in the Church balcony and Choir 7:30 in the church basement

September 9 at 6:30 Pumpkin Patch Planning Meeting, middle classroom on the loggia.

September 11  Youth to Night of Joy

September 12  5pm, A time for Prayer, Sanctuary

September 13   9:30 Sunday School Kick off, Opening in church basement

 New 11am Adult Bible Study starts, Fellowship Hall

 Confirmation Students and Parent Meeting 9:30, K-8 Building

September 14 at 6:00p.m Touch-A-Truck Planning Meeting, middle classroom on the loggia.

September 22 at 7 pm, Foundations Class, Magnolia 2nd floor Conference Room

November 6-8  Middle School Youth Gathering


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Attendance & Giving

Aug. 30, 2015
Worship Attendance
6:00 p.m. 47
8:00 a.m. 34
9:30 a.m. 91
11:00 a.m. 96
Total 268

Sunday School
Adult’s Bible Class 24
Children’s Bible Class 2

Current & Missions:
C & M Budget $18,105
C & M Actual $9,648
Faithfully Forward $567
Historical Debt $30
SOS/Faith Factor $125
Dedicated Funds $1,140