June 11, 2015
Just as Matt departed for a summer session at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) arrived in Seoul. The news of the deadly disease splashed across all the media reports and the city and country braced itself.
As in any land across the world, it was the mamas who first rallied together, evaluating government updates, conferring with one another, discussing risks and possibilities and ways to protect their families. Three of my best mama-friends and I discussed the situation at length. Of these friends, two are Christians and one has no faith (but I am meeting with her regularly and she is open to the Gospel). The stark contrast in the reactions of these three mothers was instantly apparent to me. The first said, ‘We must immediately pray for all of Korea.’ The second said, ‘God will protect my children.’ And the unbelieving third flew into panic-mode, purchasing disinfectant and surgical face masks for her entire family at the closest pharmacist.
It’s now been over a week since the news broke. Schools were shuttered for several days and have since reluctantly reopened after being thoroughly fumigated. Students and faculty are encouraged to wear face masks and temperatures are checked at the school gates before students are allowed entry.
This morning, after I walked the girls to school I asked the administrator to also check my temperature so that I could be permitted entry. I explained that I stand and pray every day as they walk to their classrooms. She repeated what I said and checked my temperature. I passed through the gates and stood and prayed.
As of this writing, ten have died from the disease; 122 have a confirmed diagnosis; 3500 are in quarantine; 2400 schools are closed; 54,000 people canceled travel plans to Korea. I ask that you, too, pray for a moment for Korea and the MERS epidemic and those that are dying without a saving faith in Christ Jesus.
We are calm and confident that this situation will soon pass and we rest secure in God’s mercy. We are grateful for your prayers, even as we pray for you, our partners in ministry.
Matt, Dee Dee, Lily and Olivia Wasmund