Trinity Family
A Message from Pastor Z
This weekend we will be taken up into the mysteries of God, as we witness the miracle of the sending of the Holy Spirit to the disciples and the believers as they gathered in Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Pentecost. There are so many incredible events which take place as the Spirit descends upon those beloved fathers and mothers in the Faith! We will revel in those things. And then we will consider the meaning of it all for us in May of 2015. The Spirit of God is touching us, moving us, strengthening us day by day. Perhaps we are not aware of His presence!
Dr. Luther maintains that without the work of the Holy Spirit, we would not even be able to say, “Jesus is Lord!” Of course the scriptures say this before Luther! Truly, without the Spirit’s aid and presence we would be under the thumb of Satan and his minions. I look forward to thinking through these things with you this weekend at worship!
Stewardship Process Update
This is the third week in our Consecration Sunday Weekend stewardship process! Pray for the presence of God in all of this! On this Pentecost Sunday we will plead with the Spirit to stir our hearts in faith to rise up to the challenges that are ahead!
Welcome Pastor and Mrs. Jim Martin!
The Martins arrived Thursday evening and are spending a few days with us! Please be sure to extend a warm welcome to them this weekend as they worship with us and spend time getting to know their new Trinity family!
Rev. Jim Martin is a 1973 graduate of Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois. He has served as a Mission Developer in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Riverdale, Georgia, and Pastor of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church, North Royalton, Georgia from 1982-2014. After his retirement in early 2014 he completed the LC-MS Intentional Interim Pastor training with the intention of serving congregations in transition. He has just completed such an interim at Historic Trinity in Downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
Jim enjoys bicycling and sports. He is passionate about developing lay leadership and future professional church leaders, including working with Licensed Deacons and Specialized Ministry Program candidates. He loves to see God’s people using their gifts for ministry so that more people may become firmly connected to Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
He and his wife Carol were married in 1969 and have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. They enjoy camping and hiking. Carol enjoys the in-depth relationships she has developed in small groups. Her congregational involvements include music ministry, prayer ministry, and mission trips.
The Martins will begin their ministry with us in late-June. We look forward to the ministry we will share together.
Buy a Brick…and be a part of Trinity’s history
For $50 you may purchase a brick that will be one of many that make up the foundation of our Trinity Courtyard to be completed with our new construction. You may have up to three lines of text engraved on your brick, 13 characters per line (including spaces, no punctuation). Proceeds will be used to fund the second CDC playground. To order your brick(s), please complete the order form in the Narthex and return to an usher, or to the main office.
Work Day Volunteers Needed, Saturday, May 30th
JJ Alexander and the Trinity Properties Ministry Team need help to complete final details on our three historical houses at the corner of Ruth and Amelia. Tasks for the day will include painting and light fabricating with wood to make a facade cover to the houses. The day begins at 8am with coffee and prayer, and work will continue until the job is complete. This is a necessary step in getting the certificate of occupancy for the new building and must be done. So, if you’re able to rearrange your calendar to be there, it would be a huge blessing and greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please contact JJ at jjalexa@gmail.com.
Volunteers for the Big Move
Trinity asks that you “save the dates” of Saturday, June 6 and Saturday, June 13, from 8am to 4pm, for volunteering to help the Trinity Lutheran School CDC move into the new facility.
In particular, here are the tasks needing your help:
- moving small boxes of teaching resources to new classrooms (moderate lifting)
- cleaning the vacated classrooms (light cleaning)
- moving office furniture from the Orlando Sentinel Building to Trinity (heavy lifting)
- moving empty boxes from CDC to Church Basement Library (easy lifting)
- moving musical instruments from Church Basement to classroom (easy carrying)
- packing library books into boxes (light organizing one book at a time)
- moving Library Books from Basement to Classroom (heavy lifting with dolly)
Volunteers can sign up in the Church Narthex this weekend, or preferred online, beginning next week. We appreciate your continued support to make this move a great success!
Name That Building
The Leadership Council of Trinity is preparing to bring forward to the congregation at the June 14 Voters meeting recommendations for the official name to be given to the new building on campus. If you would like to share ideas you may have about what that name could be, please email TLC@TrinityDowntown.com with your suggestion no later than Saturday, May 30. Any submissions after that date will not be considered. Leadership Council will then review the suggestions, and will present a ballot with the Leadership Council’s recommendation along with other suggestions at the June 14 meeting. Thank you.
Healing Service of Prayer
The monthly Monday evening service has been cancelled this month due to Memorial Day holiday observance. Thank you.
Thanks for the Book!
Trinity church presents this Good News gift to each child graduating from pre-kindergarten every June and then again to the 2 year old children at Christmas. Thank you to all who made it possible for 48 new Kindergarten children and their families to have God’s precious Word in their home. This is an on-going outreach ministry by all Trinity members. Your check or direct cash contribution of $15.00 pays for one book. You can place your donation in the offering plate, or mail to the church office. Your check is made payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church and School” with “Children’s Bibles” in the memo line.
OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) Fellowship, Friday, May 29th
We will meet at Barnes & Noble at 10:30 and carpool to Mount Dora—Have lunch at Lakeside Inn—After lunch, we will shop downtown, go to Renninger’s or just relax at Lakeside Inn. Addresses: Barnes & Noble, Colonial Plaza Market Center, 2418 E. Colonial Drive, Orlando AND Lakeside Inn, 100 Alexander St., Mount Dora. Come and join us. Questions, call Bob and Audrey Gordon 407-897-1418.
Why is the Blue Basket Empty?
We only have 3 Sundays to collect diapers or onesies for our Trinity’s representative to the LCMS Florida-Georgia District Convention. No, he won’t be wearing them!! The convention attendees are bringing these donations as part of an “ingathering” (a donation of items benefiting others) for Redeeming Life Maternity Home in Sanford. Redeeming Life is one of Trinity’s benevolence recipients, so an empty basket in our narthex labeled “Redeeming Life” is unusual and maybe a little embarrassing. Please bring a “onesie” sized for newborn to twelve months, or diapers size 1,2, or 3. These tangible gifts will find an honored place at the Convention.
I Can’t Get Out to the Store
So many people are happy to donate cash rather than try and remember to purchase (or are unable to purchase) tangible gifts. If this is you, consider donating a monetary gift to the LCMS Florida-Georgia District for the Redeeming Life Ministry in Sanford Florida. Trinity’s delegate will hand deliver this special offering to the June 12-14, 2015 Convention. Mark the memo line of your gift to Trinity: “Special Convention Offering”. Our gifts are an expression of His great love for us that empowers our love for others.
Green Thumbs Needed
Are you Handy? Do You have a Green Thumb? Lutheran Counseling Services needs your help. We are looking for a few volunteers to help with simple repairs and landscaping. If you are interested please call jamie at 407.644.4692 or email jamie@lcsfl.com
Camp Trinity–Summer Camp Registration Now Open
Camp Trinity has a wonderful summer planned for your children. Registration is now open. Forms and information about the weekly camp themes are available online and in the school office. As of May 1st registration is $100 per camper. We anticipate a healthy enrollment this summer and we want to be sure to save space for your child. E-mail Julia Malenke with any questions( jmalenke@trinitydowntown.org)
Very Best Summer week
Time to register for the best July week in Orlando! VBS is a tradition no child should miss. Trinity’s Vacation Bible School tradition is slightly altered this year only in where we will meet. While our campus is adjusting to the new spaces, our youth ministry team found Broadway Methodist Church welcomed an opportunity to share their campus with our children. On July 20-24 come to the Jerusalem Marketplace where the life of Jesus is experienced through taste, sound, touch, and smells. There is no charge to attend, 9:00 to noon. If you need wrap around care, you may register your child with Camp Trinity – see article above. Registration for VBS begins electronically on Trinity’s website May 25. Paper registration forms will be in the church narthex and school office.
Baby Bottles Disappear
This isn’t a crime report. How wonderful the “Change a Life” baby bottles are temporarily heading to homes for filling. Fill those bottles to the top with pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars, and checks. If you fill it to the top before June 21, get another! A white collection box marked “Redeeming Life Maternity Home” will be in the narthex every week through June 28.
Redeeming Life Maternity Home is the only Lutheran Maternity Home in Florida. We are honored that our congregation supports this ministry and has the opportunity to actively participate in changing women’s lives with support and encouragement during difficult and frightening situations. Bonus! A baby finds a home filled with love and a mom who is nurturing, supported and encouraged.
Ladies In Purple Shirts – Picnic, Play and Pray
June 13 is the Kick Off for this group. LIPS is focused on Giving Women a group for Christian Fellowship and Mission. This group is for ALL Women but is especially focused on young women and women with young families. Bring Your Kids, Yourself and Your Significant Other or Your Best Friend: Picnic, Play and Prayer. Open to Women and “Kids” of All ages. June 13 11a-1p, at Delaney Park, Orlando Fl. Because we ALL need a little play and prayer. Check us Out on FaceBook- LIPS-Ladies in Purple Shirts. For More Info contact Jamie at jamieerp@gmail.com
Mr. Richard and the Pound Hounds
Mr. Richard and the Pound Hounds have played at several Trinity events, most recently at Touch-A-Truck. We’ve recently learned that Mr. Richard’s wife, Danielle Peeples, is fighting for her life and they’re burdened with overwhelming medical bills. Richard is the premiere kiddie rocker in Central Florida and Danielle was a teacher, once named “Teacher of the Year” at a low-income elementary school. Three generations of Orlando area children have thrived on their love. A group of friends have dedicated an annual family rock concert to raising funds for the Peeples family. If you’d like to help out, please consider attending The Heart of Rock and Roll 2.0, Sunday, June 7, 2015, 2 p.m. at the The Orlando REP, featuring Mr. Richard and the Pound Hounds, Jiggleman, Mr. Harley. For tickets or to volunteer go to www.heartofrock.net.
Facebook Updates
If you have a Facebook account, search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos, and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction, and more. Please like the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted.
Youth News
NO Sunday School classes May 24
Sunday School will have one final Sunday of celebration next week (May 31) and then take a break for the summer. On September 13, the music room will be THE place to begin 50 Sundays of Jesus time. Plans are underway for updated and interactive learning and sharing every week. Keep your eyes and ears open so you know when to jump on board!
8th Grade Students – WELCOME
You are finished with formal Confirmation instruction, but there is plenty of learning ahead. You are invited to spend each Sunday morning with the High School Bible Class. Meet in the Art Room – second floor of school building – at 9:30 for talk of YOUR life application of God’s Word.
Junior Confirmation Classes – 6th & 7th grades have finished their classes. We begin again in September with new views and discussions about our baptism and our Lutheran church belief. Spend your summer Sundays with your family worshipping and thinking about all you’ve learned with Mrs. Blackwood this year.
Trinity High School Youth Events
All ages–tell your parents–bring your friends–spread the word–join us for some fun!
June 7th: Youth Month Kickoff
Please join us on June 7th following the 11 o’clock service to kick off Youth Month with a cookout. Burgers and hotdogs are being provided but we need your help in providing extras. Please e-mail Mike and Laura with what you can provide. We are anticipating about 100 people.
June 21st: HS Youth Sunday & Picnic
July 25th: S’mores & A Movie!
August 9th: Open Gym & Games
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7402, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Trinity Events
May 23/24 Meet Pastor Jim & Carol Martin at worship
May 25th Memorial Day, Offices and School Closed
May 31 Consecration Sunday weekend
May 31 Pastor Zehnder’s last Sunday
June 3 Kindergarten and Eighth Grade Graduations
June 4 Camp Trinity Begins!
July 3 Trinity Campus Closed for July 4 Celebration
July 20-24 VBS
August 17-21 Camp Trinity Closed
August 21 Trinity Campus Closed for Staff Retreat/Classroom Prep
TLS News
Camp Trinity–Summer Camp Registration is now open
Camp Trinity has a wonderful summer planned for your children. Forms and information about the weekly camp themes are available in the school office and online. As of May 1st the registration fee is $100 per camper. We anticipate a healthy enrollment this summer and we want to be sure to save space for your child. E-mail Julia Malenke with any questions( jmalenke@trinitydowntown.org)
K-8 Enrollment at Trinity is now open for the 2015-2016 School Year
Our Kindergarten to Eighth Grade academic program is dynamic, forged upon the skills and experiences of our highly-qualified, licensed, and incredibly caring faculty. To learn more, please read our blogs, review our curriculum, check out our admissions information online at school.trinitydowntown.com and call 407-488-1919 to schedule a visit that suits your busy schedule. We invite you to explore an education embracing the future, while being rooted in a foundation of deep, lasting tradition. Visit Trinity Lutheran School to discover how we are building our learning community, growing together in Christ’s love.
Attendance & Giving
Note: May 16/17 data will be posted next week