Trinity Family
A Message from Pastor Tom Zehnder
Good friends! This weekend marks the beginning of our Trinity Stewardship effort. On Saturday and at the Sunday services, brother Tim Norris will address the congregation regarding the privilege of our Christian stewardship – and it is a privilege. While it is so vital to serve our Lord with our time and talents, it is also absolutely necessary that we practice a generous stewardship of our possessions, without which it will be impossible to support a ministry such as is carried out by Trinity.
I think about 80 people (out of a membership of perhaps 1000!) attended the informational session on April 29 regarding the financial realities we are facing here. It was a great time, well-spent. Hard hitting facts were laid out in front of us. It is sort of a “do or die” situation it seems to me. The people of God who are connected to Trinity’s ministry will decide what it will look like in the future.
I thrive on optimism, because God brims hope and energy and good for the future. His promise in Jeremiah 29:11 undergirds that. If you do not know that passage, look it up. it will stay with you always. I certainly live in the promise of that Word of God as it pertains to the ministry I have attempted to carry out here at your call. Success or not – that will depend on the determination of each of us to come together to make what seem to be impossible possible.
As I mentioned above – we will hear good words this weekend from our dear brother Tim Norris about stewardship. Please pray for him as he shares himself with us – and pray that God will give you, give all of us generous hearts as we go forward.
Looking forward to being with you next weekend in worship. We will be astounded to see what the Risen One is “up to” on the shore of Lake Galilee!
A request: Take a few moments and ask yourself which of your friends have you not seen lately in the public worship of the church. Give them a call and encourage them to join you in worship this coming weekend. Gotta tell you, I was feeling down in the mouth when I saw so many seats where there were no people – this Sunday past…
Pray. -trz
Ascension Day Worship – 7pm, Thursday May 14, 2015
The Ascension of Our Lord will be commemorated on May 14, 2015, forty days after Easter Day. We will celebrate this magnificent event in the life of our Risen Lord in a service of worship at 7pm on the 14th. At this service we will also take time to remember with love and thanksgiving the ministry and life of The Rev. Dr. Ronald Fink who served Trinity faithfully as Senior Pastor from 1989 to 1999. Pastor and Millie Fink were tireless servants of Jesus during their 10 years in Orlando. Even though they no longer lived in Florida, they kept a home in our hearts.
To honor his lifetime of service to the Lord and specifically his 10 years at Trinity, a stained glass window depicting an aspect of our Lord’s ministry will be installed in the reredos on the Side Chapel Altar. If you would like to honor Pastor Fink’s memory with a memorial gift, you may make a donation to Trinity Lutheran Church indicating on your check “Pastor Ronald Fink Memorial Fund.”
Jackie and I are in Fayetteville, Arkansas, attending the college graduation of one of our grand daughters from the U of A!. Hope to be in the office this coming Wednesday!
The Lord bless us all! Good to be here with you in these days!
Pastor Jim Martin will be joining our Staff as Interim Senior Pastor in early June. Until his retirement recently Pastor Martin has served for many years as Pastor of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Royalton, Ohio (suburb of Cleveland). He and Carol are excited about joining our ministry. We are certainly grateful for Pastor and Mrs. Martin. They will be with us from mid-June, with a preliminary visit here toward the end of May. We are planning on seeing the Martins in our worship services the weekend of May 23/24! Look forward to meeting them. At this point we are working on the logistics of their move to Orlando and to this ministry!
No Bunco Party in May
Sorry ladies, but the opportunity to worship and celebrate our Savior’s promise of eternal life in our Father’s House takes precedence. The second Thursday of each month is our usual time for gathering together for food and fun beginning at 6:30 p.m. This month of May, our congregation gathers at 7:00 p.m. for a time to celebrate Jesus’ ascension and to remember the life of our former Pastor, Rev. Ronald Fink. A dessert reception will follow the service and you will have an opportunity to speak and greet Pastor Fink’s wife, Millie. God’s blessings to you all!
Thanks for the Book!
Trinity church presents this Good News gift to each child graduating from pre-kindergarten every June and then again to the 2 year old children at Christmas. This is an on-going outreach ministry by all Trinity members. The Beginner’s Bible gift sponsorship is a passive and easy way for you to put God’s amazing love and power into homes of our precious weekday charges. Your check or direct cash contribution of $15.00 pays for one book. Sponsorship tickets are posted in the narthex, or you can place your donation in the offering plate, or mail to the church office. Your check is made payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church and School” with “Children’s Bibles” in the memo line.
TLS Spring Concert, Thursday, May 21st at 6:00 pm, in the Gymnasium
On Thursday, May 21, Trinity’s students will be ready to rock the house as they present their final concert of the 2014-2015 school year! Join us at 6:00 pm in the gymnasium as students in VPK-8th grade (and even some 3 year olds!) sing, dance, and play, demonstrating all that they have learned in the last 180 days of school. Especially exciting is that this will be the world premiere of the Trinity Ukulele Ensemble. So, get ready for some rockin’ recorders, dainty dancers, and silly singers to make you laugh and even move you to tears. If you would like more information, please contact the school music director, Josh Brink, at JABrink@TrinityDowntown.com.
Request from FL/GA District President Walton
President Walton has invited us to participate in a Convention Ingathering. We’re asking Trinity families to collect for specific needs of Redeeming Life Maternity Home in Sanford, FL, which cares for unwed mothers who need a place to stay during their pregnancy. This is a Recognized Service Organizations (RSO’s) of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, which is doing wonderful work on behalf of all of us to engage in the Master’s Business. You can participate by providing onesies for newborns to twelve months, and diapers sizes 1, 2, or 3 which will then be brought to the Convention in June. These aren’t expensive items, but can make a huge difference in how this organization engages in the Master’s business. Please join us as we seek to bless these ministries as they share the love of Jesus in very tangible ways.
We would also invite you to give a special offering, to be brought by Convention delegates to Sunday morning’s Convention worship, that will be divided for Redeeming Life and Stepping Stones Ministries, which is based in Atlanta, Georgia, and serves the homeless population. (Please mark your envelope Special: Redeeming Life) Your help and caring can make a world of difference in connecting people to Jesus. The Apostle John reminds us, “We love because He first loved us!” How we rejoice in that love. May our gifts be an expression of His great love for us that empowers our love for others. Thank you in advance for your partnership in this endeavor. –Rev. Gregory S. Walton, President, The Florida-Georgia District, LCMS
Camp Trinity–Summer Camp Registration Now Open
Camp Trinity has a wonderful summer planned for your children. Registration is now open. Forms and information about the weekly camp themes are available online and in the school office. As of May 1st registration is $100 per camper. We anticipate a healthy enrollment this summer and we want to be sure to save space for your child. E-mail Julia Malenke with any questions( jmalenke@trinitydowntown.org)
Happy Mother’s Day
It’s a tradition to take mom out to dinner, bring her breakfast in bed, make her a beautiful card, buy her flowers, and specifically show her you love all she has done for you. Beginning today and continuing for the next six weeks, you can show the moms and dad in your life how much you appreciate their love and care by sharing a little change in their honor. Take home a special baby bottle from the display in the narthex (or school office) and fill it with loose change, bills, and checks for Redeeming Life Maternity Home.
Did you know May 9 is Birthmother’s Day? It is an opportunity to recognize women who have given their child a loving family through adoption. If you know a birthmom, honor her love and courage on Birthmother’s Day.
There’s Always Room for JE_ _ _
I wonder how many of you automatically filled in the spaces with the Jello jingle? Think again. Summertime is filled with popsicles, ice cream, parks, pools, beach, travel, and camps, but there is always room for Jesus. Vacation Bible School is a long tradition that never ages or goes out of style. Trinity’s tradition is slightly altered this year only in where we will meet. While our campus is adjusting to the new spaces, our youth ministry team found Broadway Methodist Church welcomed an opportunity to share their campus with our children. On July 20-24 come to the Jerusalem Marketplace where the life of Jesus is experienced through taste, sound, touch, and smells. Registration begins soon either on-line or with paper registration forms found in the church narthex and school office.
Facebook Updates
If you have a Facebook account, search for Trinity Downtown-Trinity Lutheran School. Articles, photos, and information are posted regularly on classroom activities, events, construction, and more. Please like the page so that you receive a notification when something new is posted.
1Timothy 4:12
It’s all about teens. Wait..what?? Paul wrote this note to a young pastor who was struggling with credibility in his leadership position. A young man with a passion and eagerness for sharing the Truth, Timothy was not the customary preacher type. The encouraging words from Paul to Timothy give a fitting direction for Trinity’s revitalized youth group. This is the place to direct our young people for positive friendships and Christ centered fun. Laura Ramiz and Mike Miessler are grateful for the financial gifts that allow them to participate in a LCMS National Youth Leadership Conference in July. This show of acceptance from Trinity is just like the encouragement from Paul that kept Timothy on his mission. Encourage your grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbors to find this place in Trinity where they fit in. Continue to support the growth of Timothy 412 with prayers, monetary gifts, and involvement in their activities.
Green Thumbs Needed
Are you Handy? Do You have a Green Thumb? Lutheran Counseling Services needs your help. We are looking for a few volunteers to help with simple repairs and landscaping. If you are interested please call jamie at 407.644.4692 or email jamie@lcsfl.com
Hymn Festival
Lutheran Church of The Redeemer in Sanford invites you to join us for our 2nd annual Hymn Festival on Saturday, May 16th beginning at 4pm. Several choirs and readers will join Maestro David Ludwig to tell the story of “New Life – Redeeming Life” through music and selected readings. Come and celebrate with us on this glorious occasion! A reception with light refreshments will follow. Lutheran Church of The Redeemer, 2525 S Oak Ave,Sanford, FL. (407)322-3552
Youth News
8th Grade Confirmation – NEW LOCATION
You are finished with formal Confirmation instruction, but there is plenty of learning ahead. You are invited to spend each Sunday morning with the High School Bible Class. Meet in the Art Room – second floor of school building – at 9:30 for talk of YOUR life application of God’s Word.
6th Grade Confirmation – LAST DAY TODAY
Don’t forget memory work and church study. Our class will meet for the last time on Sunday, May 10. Any questions please email (mom23girls@cfl.rr.com) or call (407-620-0485). Blessings, Mrs. Blackwood.
Trinity High School Youth Events
All ages–tell your parents–bring your friends–spread the word–join us for some fun!
May 16th: Service Project & Movie Night!
June 21st: HS Youth Sunday & Picnic
July 25th: S’mores & A Movie!
August 9th: Open Gym & Games
For more info: Contact Laura (407) 404-3242 or Mike (727) 686-7402, email TrinityHSYouth@gmail.com, check the Trinity Website or the Trinity HS Youth Facebook page!
Trinity Events
May 10 Stewardship Drive Kick Off
May 14 Ascension Worship & Pastor Ron Fink Remembered, 7pm
May 20th Ministry Teams Meeting, 7pm
May 21 TLS Spring Concert 6pm in the Gym
May 25th Memorial Day, Offices and School Closed
May 23/24 Meet Pastor Jim & Carol Martin at worship
May 31 Consecration Sunday weekend
June 3 Kindergarten and Eighth Grade Graduations
June 4 Camp Trinity Begins!
July 3 Trinity Campus Closed for July 4 Celebration
July 20-24 VBS
August 17-21 Camp Trinity Closed
August 21 Trinity Campus Closed for Staff Retreat/Classroom Prep
TLS News
The National Day of Prayer
Mrs. Brockberg and students in Grades 7 and 8 led Trinity to our knees in prayer for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7. The National Day of Prayer has grown to become a world-wide event since the First Continental Congress inaugurated a “call to prayer” in 1775; in 1952 President Harry Truman and the US Congress declared a National Day of Prayer to be recognized the first Thursday in May each year. Trinity gathered for our May 7 Morning Assembly at the flagpole to begin our school-wide observance of this year’s National Day of Prayer. The color guard presented and raised both the United States flag and the Christian flag; we displayed these colors because our nation was founded upon prayer and a reverence for God and His Word. Following the student invocation, beginning our day in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Dr. Brockberg prayed that God would open our school to his grace, and students would open their minds to learn and grow. Every hour on the hour, Middle School students read their prayers over the intercom for all to hear. At each hour, students prayed for our school, our church, world leaders, US leaders and current national concerns, individual healing, and safety throughout our homes and land. Parents, students and staff were also encouraged to write and place their prayer requests on poster boards adorned with the theme of the National Day of Prayer, “Lord hear our cry” from 1 Kings 8:28. Throughout the day, red and blue post it notes displayed names of loved ones, hurting friends, prayers for peace and understanding, thanksgiving for parents, pastors, and teachers, comfort and healing, safe travel, and so many, many more. Against the backdrop of beloved hymns, our hallowed hallways brought us all closer to our gracious and loving God, who promises to hear all of our prayers.
K-8 Enrollment at Trinity is now open for the 2015-2016 School Year
Nestled in Downtown Orlando, parents trust the nurture and educational training Trinity Lutheran School provides for Infants through Eighth Grade. Whether in our cradling infant nurseries, cozy child care rooms, vibrant primary classrooms, or pulsing middle school, parents know we wrap our students in the loving arms of Jesus Christ. Our secure five-acre campus provides ample space not only for our K-8 classrooms but also for our state-of-the-art Child Development Center, full size sports field & gymnasium, science and portable technology lab, art studio, and an historic church sanctuary for our weekly chapel worship. Music? Spanish? We have those, too!
Our Kindergarten to Eighth Grade academic program is dynamic, forged upon the skills and experiences of our highly-qualified, licensed, and incredibly caring faculty.
Ask any student in Kindergarten, and each would declare the following:
- We know Three Big Rules by heart: Respect, Responsibility, Hard Work…we sing a song about this!
- We love Authors: Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, Leo Lionni, Mo Willems, Ourselves (We are young authors ourselves!), and many, many more!
- We practice Math: Counting, Grouping, Patterning, and Problem Solving
- We explore Science: observing “Animals Two by Two,” “Materials in our World,” “Trees and Weather”
- We affirm Faith and Religion: Jesus loves me! Jesus loves you! I love my neighbor as I love myself!
- We use Technology every day: Interactive SMART Board, iPads in our Interest Centers
And to prepare our graduates for high school and beyond, our exit standards encompass these rigorous pursuits:
- Algebra I & Spanish I: With successful exit exams, our graduates then enroll in high school Geometry and Spanish II as freshmen in high school.
- Advanced Topics in Physical, Life, and Earth Sciences: Our students know Science as inquiry!
- Religion: We draw each student toward conviction and the ensuing confidence to declare, “I know what I believe and why I believe it!”
- Learning with a Chromebook: Throughout Middle School it’s more than a device; this laptop is their own personal responsibility, integrated into every core subject.
- Field Experiences away from Trinity: Adventures in learning at St. Augustine, the Kennedy Space Center, Driftwood Education Center at St. Simon’s Island, the Florida Keys Marine Lab, and Washington D.C.
You may wonder now what comes in between Kindergarten and Eighth Grade Graduation:
To know more, please read our blogs, review our curriculum, check out our admissions information online and call 407-488-1919 to schedule a visit that suits your busy schedule. Either way, we invite you to explore an education embracing the future, while being rooted in a foundation of deep, lasting tradition. Visit Trinity Lutheran School to discover how we are building our learning community, growing together in Christ’s love.
Attendance & Giving
Worship Attendance
6:00 p.m. 52
9:30 a.m. 46
11:00 a.m. 106
Total 258
Sunday School
Adult’s Bible Class 26
Children’s Bible Class –
Current & Missions:
C & M Budget $17,475
C & M Actual $12,156
Faithfully Forward $53,797
Historical Debt $125
SOS/Faith Factor $220
Dedicated Funds $650