A Few Notes from Pastor Zehnder
This past Wednesday evening our Ten Confirmands did themselves proudly as they shared with us the Word of God through their recitation and discussion of the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine as presented in Luther’s Small Catechism. It was a great celebration, and always moving to the soul. These beautiful young men and women (almost) cross a spiritual milestone at Confirmation as they take up their responsibility in church and community as people well-versed in the things of God!
This coming Sunday at the 11 AM Service we will celebrate the Rite of Confirmation. A beautiful Service is planned for this occasion. Each Confirmand will come to the Altar of Christ and receive a blessing and a Scripture Verse especially selected for them. It is hoped that this Word of God will become theirs and that it will give them God’s strength and comfort as they move through life.
I am personally grateful to Mr. Tim Norris who has faithfully taught this group of Ten for these past months. They are fortunate to have had a teacher of his ability and biblical knowledge! Thanks, Tim! And thanks to the parents of our Confirmands who have given their support and encouraged their sons and daughters to be faithful in their confirmation process. Please keep these youth and their parents in your prayers: Alexander Erpenbach, Laura Fischer, Reagan Jeffery, Thomas Kauffman, Harrison Koller, David Mooney, Zack O’Rourke, Madeline Rawlings, Tyler Tellock, Spenser Tesch. Come celebrate with us on Sunday!
Ascension Day Worship – 7pm, Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Ascension of Our Lord will be commemorated on May 14, 2015, forty days after Easter Day. We will celebrate this magnificent event in the life of our Risen Lord in a service of worship at 7pm on the 14th.
At this service we will also take time to remember with love and thanksgiving the ministry and life of The Rev. Dr. Ronald Fink who served Trinity faithfully as Senior Pastor from 1989 to 1999. Pastor and Millie Fink were tireless servants of Jesus during their 10 years in Orlando. Even though they no longer lived in Florida, they kept a home in our hearts. To honor his lifetime of service to the Lord and specifically his 10 years at Trinity, a stained glass window depicting the Ascension of our Lord will be installed in our sanctuary. If you would like to honor Pastor Fink’s memory with a memorial gift, you may make a donation to Trinity Lutheran Church indicating on your check “Pastor Ronald Fink Memorial Fund.”
Wednesday’s Congregational Meeting
Don’t forget the congregational meeting this coming Wednesday, April 29th at 7pm in the Sanctuary to discuss Trinity’s finances.
Pastor Jim Martin will be joining our Staff as Interim Senior Pastor in early June. Until his retirement recently PastorMartin has served for many years as Pastor of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Royalton, Ohio (suburb of Cleveland). He and Carol are excited about joining our ministry. We are certainly grateful for Pastor and Mrs. Martin. They will be with us from mid-June, with a preliminary visit here toward the end of May. We are planning on seeing the Martins in our worship services the weekend of May 23/24! Look forward to meeting them. At this point we are working on the logistics of their move to Orlando and to this ministry!
Pastor Billy announced his intention to move toward a new ministry this Fall. What an incredible blessing he has been to our Trinity. In the years he has been on our pastoral staff as Urban Missionary we have experienced his many talents for outreach to our community. God will certainly be with Pastor Brath as he seeks out new avenues for ministry and experience! Pastor B. will be with us yet for some time, probably through September 2015. Updates will be coming!
God keep us in his care! trz