The Easter worship services were awesome. Pastor Billy got us off to a good start at the Sunrise Service. He brought out of the darkness of Golgotha into the light of the Risen Son. As we listened, prayed, and sang the Easter hymns the sun began to lighten the darkness of the night. It reminded me of the double-entendre of these words from Mark 16: “And when the sun has risen…!”
The warm fellowship around pancakes, coffee, and brothers and sisters was a joy!
The Sanctuary was dressed for the Resurrection! The aroma of Easter filled the sacred space, but even more it was filled with men, women, and children who were longing to hear again and again: “The Lord is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Nearly a thousand voices joined in the Resurrection Refrain! Thanks be to God!
After forty days we will stand amazed with the disciples on the Mountain as the Lord of the Universe, Jesus the Christ, ascends to the glory of His Father’s Right Hand. This year we will have opportunity to gather on that Ascension Thursday for worship and adoration of Jesus at the Right Hand of God. Mark your calendars! May 14, 2015, 7 PM.
And then Pentecost! The Spirit is extravagantly given, poured out over the people who then take the everlasting Gospel to the ends of the earth. By means of the faithful witness of countless generations the Word of Jesus came to the area some call Zip Code 38101. Hearing that Word and called by its power, in 1919 some faithful people of God banded together and brought this Trinity into being. Their purpose (and ours) was “to bring people one step closer to Jesus.”
We are heirs of the Easter Victory. The Life of Jesus moves through our spirits and pushes us onward in the Mission that Jesus gave, “to teach the Gospel and baptize the nations” (Matthew 28:19).
We do not do it perfectly, but we do it! Let’s join hearts and hands in this Mission as God’s Easter people!
Ascension Day Worship – Thursday May 14, 2015
The Ascension of Our Lord will be commemorated on May 14, 2015, forty days after Easter Day. We will celebrate this magnificent event in the life of our Risen Lord in a service of worship at 7 PM on the 14th.
When Jesus ascended into heaven He took the marks of the nails and the wound of the spear with Him. No longer marks of agony and pain, they are now marks of His victory over Satan and the tyranny of sin. Our gathering will bring this to our hearts and minds.
At this service we will also take time to remember with love and thanksgiving the ministry and life of The Rev. Dr. Ronald Fink who served Trinity faithfully as Senior Pastor. A Memorial Fund will be established to purchase a fitting tribute to Pastor Fink. News of that will be shared in the future.