Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
I was very pleased when I first arrived at Trinity to discover that there was a “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund,” set up to enable the pastoral staff to help people in need at our discretion. Over the years this Fund has enabled us to feed people, house people, get people through temporary emergencies—members or non-members, this fund has just plain helped people!
Each year our school children contribute their chapel offerings for a month (this year it’s January) to this fund, knowing that they get to have a small part in providing assistance to unfortunate children and adults.
Once or twice in the past decade I’ve asked folks to consider a special contribution to this fund, when we’ve had a lot of requests and the fund has gotten low.
That’s where we are right now. Although the financial recovery of the nation in general and Orlando in particular is moving along, there are still many people who are having a hard time getting the help they need, for any number of reasons.
Obviously I can’t share individual stories, but the need is there. If you’d like to help, please mark an envelope “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund” and put it in the plate or send it by mail to us.
Trinity’s members have given tens of thousands of dollars to help people in need over the years. Thank you! God bless you!
Pastor Moore