In this world are people of many faiths, many who give God many names.  But, there is one name that will separate the sheep from the goats: YHWH.   Muslims believe Allah is the one. Jews know the God of Abraham is the one.  Christians say Christ is the one. So, who is YHWH?

One of my instructors at the Seminary introduced a theological study with this sentence: “If someone makes a statement about ‘God’ which would not offend a Jew and/or a Muslim, it is not a true statement about God.”  Does that mean Christians have the “right” answer?

The study continues like a connect-the-dots picture, so get your pencil point sharpened so the lines don’t blur.  Translate YHWH to “I AM”.  “I AM” spoke to Abraham.  “I AM” spoke to Moses. But, Jesus Christ identified himself as “I AM”.  Jesus is YHWH/”I AM” so the line between dot (1) – YHWH and dot (2) – Jesus is pretty short.  So short it seems there is only one dot at the top of the page.  That seemed simple enough, but there is a tricky turn in this connect-the-dots picture.

Christ Jesus is the image of “I AM”; this perfect unblemished man is the image of God.  We can say Creator YHWH, creator of Adam, who was created in YHWH image, is Jesus Christ.  Now take your time and look very closely to find dot (3).  It should be on the far lower left of dots (1)(2).  This is Adam who was created specifically in the image of Jesus, who is “I AM”.  Dot (1) is YHWH/”I AM”, dot (2) is Jesus Christ/“I AM”, dot (3) is Adam – the human being created in the image of God – before the fall into sinful disobedience and separation from YHWH.  There is a wonderful, perfectly straight line between YHWH and Adam.  Your picture should look like the side of a triangle.

But now a problem occurs with this connect-the-dot picture.  You see, when Adam – the human created in the image of God – sinned and brought death to all humanity, the result was separation.  Your next step is to erase the line between dot (1)(2) and dot (3).  Adam -humanity- is separated and alone in this picture. You have two dots with nothing but a faint line indicating the disconnection.  Wait!  There is another dot on the page (dot 4) that we can connect to dot (3).  You will find that directly to the right so when you connect, you will have a horizontal line under the YHWH/Jesus Christ/YHWH dot(s).  All humanity since Noah landed the ark are represented with dot (4).  There are a few small dots along this line, for between fallen Adam and all humanity today, there is Moses, Noah, Abraham, and David.  This picture makes no sense.  There are two dots that act as one dot, but are not connected to the other dots.  How can YHWH/”I AM” be re-connected to Adam (dot 3), and thus to all humanity – past and present?

Jesus described himself: “I AM the way, the truth, and the life.”   There is one and only one way for humanity to return to perfection and be re-connected. The way is Jesus Christ; the perfect unblemished man who is the image of YHWH.  To once again be in the image of God, and acceptable for connection, we must be re-created by YHWH/”I AM” Jesus Christ.   When the time was right, God/YHWH, sent His Son – Jesus Christ/YHWH – to be the perfect Adam, again.  You now draw a line from dot (1)(2) to dot (3) and also connect dot (4) to dot (1)(2).  I hope your picture is a perfect triangle.

It is pretty simple really.  Without Jesus Christ there is no possibility of recognizing, naming, or knowing God.

In this world we find people of many faiths, who give God many names but there is only one name with power to knock people off their feet.  I AM.

– Deaconess Liz Borth