Trinity Downtown invites you to participate in a 30 day Gratitude Challenge to encourage a daily focus on gratitude, starting November 1, 2016. We are blessed, and despite the trials and challenges in life, Jesus walks along side us and there is always something for which we can be grateful. Focusing on the blessings instead of the obstacles encourages a habit of gratitude. Communicating that gratitude spreads the blessing to others and encouarges them to participate too. There are three components:

Once a day, each day in November, set aside a regular time to identify something for which you are grateful – whether it is a provision, a person, a gift, a random event, an ability, an opportunity — anything goes. Your time for reflection can be morning, midday, evening or late night; whatever works best in your schedule. Think through your day (morning people review the previous day’s events) and make note of any one thing, or many things, for which you are grateful.
It’s important to make a list — the more obvious and visible the list is, the better. Use the same place (or places if you want something separate for work and home) each day. Identifying what you are thankful for is not limited to just words (you can also use art, photography, words, scripture passages) and then post it. Possibilities include:
- a poster board on the wall at home
- a journal
- a chalkboard in your kitchen
- sticky notes on your fridge
- a cork board in your office
- a photo journal
- a jar with pieces of paper in it

Communicate your thanks for what you are grateful for to someone else in some way — in person, in prayer, in a photo, a thank you note (written, emailed, texted – whatever works). Make it personal and specific.
- If you are grateful for a person or something that person did (or didn’t do) — tell them
- If you are grateful for what God has provided — name it and thank God for it
- If you are grateful for events/circumstances/something you made use of, etc (finding an extra $5, hot coffee, sleeping in, no traffic, no homework, trantrum-free mornings, time with grands, etc) post a thank you aloud to all.
- Post it online on Trinity’s Facebook page, or your own, with #TrinityDowntownGC
- Some things will cross over and can be communicated personally and publicly in a variety of ways — be creative, there is no wrong way to communicate gratitude.

Then, encourage others to participate in this 30 day challenge with you. You will multiply the blessings from your efforts if lots of people around you are also participating. Finally, each day make an effort to be a blessing to someone else. In that way, you guarantee they have something to add to their own gratitude list! Share suggestions, photos and progress with us online or by email at and we’ll post updates to share.