Last weekend we talked about witnessing or sharing our faith.  Jesus told His disciples, “to go” and “you are My witnesses” and “you are an ambassador of reconciliation.”  I recently read an article on Paul witnessing in Athens.  It quoted Acts 17:24-27, ‘the God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.”  God has made everything including our life and every breath.  He also made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.  He determined and allotted periods and the boundaries of where we would live that they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him. 

Think of God has you right where He wants you.  Your family, your children, your job, even your neighbors and church.  All of this is by His design.  And it is for the purpose of us seeking Him our selves and of sharing Him with others that He has put us where He wants us.  Desiree and I have walked out of a restaurant where some type of prayer or sharing went on with someone there and we looked at each other and said, “wow that was a Divine appointment.”  God wanted us to be there, we were His witness, His ambassador. 

Our witness is simple…sharing what God has done in our life.  We can help other people understand our relationship with Jesus about how we read the bible and pray, how we care for and love others…how we forgive. 

If you knew God had appointed you as His ambassador and had also moved you into the neighborhood you now live in, how would that change your conversation with the neighbors?  If you knew God had given you the job you currently work in how would that influence your conversations at work?    We are His witnesses and His ambassadors!

Happy sharing!

In Christ, Pastor Doug