The CDC Garden is Growing and Producing Veggies!

Your Weekly News & Updates
Goodbye VBS 2016
The months of planning and preparing, and the offering of many volunteer hours provided a successful week of immersion in Jesus for 170 children. Approximately 17% of those who registered do not regularly attend any church.  Trinity's dedication and efforts to share the Gospel message through a traditional offering of summer Bible truths is an important and effective way to reach these unchurched, or de-churched, families.  You did it!   During the week children donated dollars, quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies to help fund three community gardens.  Their excitement to see the garden grow (check out the bulletin board in the loggia) the way the Word of God grows in hearts of men amounted to $150.00. Numbers measure whether our continued efforts to bring children and families one step closer to Jesus are successful.  But, the following quotes validate why we invest time, talent, and treasure for sharing Jesus:

"My daughter was telling me a story about Jesus' transformation" 
[Amazing!  This is a Bible truth few children grasp].
"It's a reeeeaaaaal angel!" 
[Our costumed story tellers were most believable as star guides].  
"Every day my son would tell me all about the robot's missing parts.  He knew every story and how it connected to that part."  
[We incorporate the lesson into snacks, games, and crafts].  
"Mia went to another VBS earlier this summer, but she said this one was the best and she wished there was another week." 
[what more can be said?]
"Don't worry, my arms are big enough to hold you all."
  [a 15-year old boy acting as an andoid robot hugging enthralled 3-year old children physically shared the love of Jesus]

Thank you to all who supported with gifts of supplies and monetary donations - it's not too late!  Many thanks to ⅓ of the volunteers from Trinity's family who did not have children in the program, but volunteered their talents for a successful outreach ministry.  Our deep gratitude to another ⅓ who faithfully brought their children, and then stayed to share their time.  Finally, we praise God for providing amazing and mature teens - leaders in training - who made up the final third of our VBS staff.

Schedule Change-No Classroom Prep this Weekend
The K-8 Classrooms building, Heritage Hall, is undergoing some much needed floor waxing this weekend.  If you were planning to come out this Saturday to help teachers in their classrooms, please note that those plans have been cancelled.

Bunco Fun Moves to New "Digs"
Every month, Trinity women and friends gather for a social ruckus of fun.  All women are welcome to join in this crazy game the second Thursday of every month beginning at 6:30 p.m.  We are moving to the first loggia room on the church side of our campus this coming Thursday, August 11.  It's a pot-luck of food and drink and surprising prizes. This month, we also bring gifts of school supplies. Take advantage of the weekend's tax free shopping.  Please call Deaconess Liz with questions: 407-488-1919 X127.

Results of Day-to-Day Church Work
Every day the "business" of keeping our campus and God's ministries active and alive continues without fanfare or acclamation.  The current success of Trinity's outreach and inreach came from the quiet, patient, and consistent stuff no one notices.  The great successes of our future will also come from those who are faithfully:
  • Learning to be the presence of Jesus in pockets and places.
  • Learning to share the proclamation of Jesus in words consistent with context.
  • Learning to risk the uncertain and the untried for the sake of souls.
Send a note of thanks to your staff and your volunteer leadership.  They spend a lot of time and energy serving the needs of Trinity with no expectation other than the reward to serve.  

Prayer - Worship - Action: From Senior Elder Mike Kunze
Pastor Martin and Carol have moved on to new and exciting ministry opportunities.  Trinity has extended a call for the Senior Pastor position to Pastor Jacob May.  Now what?
Trinity has entered an exciting time for the Church    The leadership of Trinity, along with Pastor Armstrong of LCS, Pastor Green of Prince of Peace, District President Pastor Greg Walton, and guest pastors will provide the assistance needed to move us forward until we have that Senior Pastor God has selected for us.

So, what can we do to help?
  • PRAY! -  PRAY for God's wisdom and guidance for Pastor May as he deliberates his call to Trinity.  PRAY for wisdom and guidance also for your church leadership as they move Trinity forward in preparation for our new Senior Pastor.  PRAY as always for our Church and for our School ministry (CDC through K-8).
  • PRAYERFULLY consider what you can do to help with this transitional process.  "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matthew 21:22
  • VOLUNTEER! -  Pastor Martin got us off to a great start the past few weeks asking us to fill out volunteer sheets, indicating where we can offer time and talents. The volunteer questionnaires that were received have been sorted and distributed to team leaders for follow up contact with you.  If you did not get a chance to fill out a volunteer sheet, approach a church leader, or call the church office.
  • ACT! - When you receive the call to take action as a volunteer, cheerfully respond with the excitement and enthusiasm that will make the task a success.
  • CONTINUE regular worship attendance and giving.  This week give a warm welcome to guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Rick Armstrong, director of Lutheran Counseling Services.
Wouldn't it be great if when Pastor May, or whoever God sends us to be our Senior Pastor, arrives he says, "Wow, Trinity really has their act together!" and he can dive right in with the ministry of the Church, "bringing people one step closer to Jesus."

Trinity Lutheran School Earns Cash Back from Office Depot
When you're shopping for school supplies or other items, keep in mind that Trinity earns 5% back on purchases made at Office Depot.  Tell them your school is Trinity Lutheran School ID# 70023041.  Thanks!

Actors Needed
Four men and three women to do Dramatic Reading of scenes from "The Life of St. Paul" for Sunday morning Bible Class beginning August 17. Contact Omar Dittmer for details at 407-658-9815 or [email protected].

Walkathon to Support Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Awareness
Lutheran Counseling Services is hosting a Walkathon on September 24, 2016 in cooperation with LIVE UCF. This event will support Mental health and Suicide Prevention Awareness.  Trinity would like to have a booth at this event to represent Trinity and all its ministries. We would also like to have a Trinity team to participate in the Walkathon and/or families who would like to donate to support this cause.  If you're interested in sponsoring a Trinity team ($125), volunteering for the booth or walking in the event, please contact Chanda at [email protected] or 407-488-1919 x101.  Direct donations can be made through the registration link.  Thank you.
Stronger: A Walk to Save Minds: September 24, 2016 8am-1pm
Sponsorships $300
Team of 5 $125
Individual Registration $30

Save the Date & Support for our Ministry Partner: Live UCF
Saturday Night LiveUCF: A gala to benefit our congregation at UCF.  
On September 24th, 2016, 6pm at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Orlando - Please join us for an elegant evening to support and celebrate LiveUCF; our congregation on the campus of the University of Central Florida.  The event will highlight Live's ministries on and around campus for the school year while current students serve and share their stories.  The gala will include a cocktail hour, catered dinner, entertainment, and greetings from District & LiveUCF leaders.  Please plan to join in and support the ministries of LiveUCF.  Tickets are available now at  For more information or to help sponsor the event please email [email protected]

Facebook Friends of Trinity Downtown: Like, Comment and Share to expand our outreach impact!
When you see blogs, updates, photos and event invitations on Facebook, don't just read them and scroll on.  Make a comment, click like, and SHARE the post with friends, family and relevant groups you may be a member of online.   Your actions through social media expand our outreach impact by sharing the stories of our ministry with people outside of our Trinity community .  Please be part of our outreach efforts!   Like us on Facebook

What's going on with YOUth?  
I am really looking forward to jumping into Youth Ministry at Trinity in the next couple of weeks.  Mark your calendars for SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 from 2:00-4:00 for a 6th-12th grades students and their families - YOUTH ROOM DEDICATION, Open House, Meet and Greet Fellowship time. We will register for confirmation, apply for S.A.L.T. (Student Activities Leadership Team), hear about different opportunities to serve at Trinity, discuss fellowship ideas, share interests, pray and begin relationship building that helps develop and continue relationships of a strong Youth Ministry.  But we need YOU there!  Any questions please email Jenn Blackwood at [email protected]

MS and HS Bible Study
We're breaking for the summer.  Classes will resume in September. Rally Day is September 11th and the Youth Room Dedication and Open House event is on September 18th.  See you there!

Children's Summer Sunday School
These summer months are coming to a close.  Tom and Faith Finger and Mike Hoffman, kept the fire of the Spirit burning each Sunday morning and we say: "Thank You". August 14 is the last summer group gathering.  Then, on August 21, children ages 4 through 5th grade will meet at 9:30 a.m. to share time with Jesus in age divided small groups. Opening is in the church basement music room and pick up at 10:30 a.m. will be in the classrooms. Sunday, September 11 we will celebrate a new year of Sunday morning learning fun with a party!  

Important Dates

August 13-14   Back to School Worship - Blessing of the Backpacks - Dedicating Teachers  
September 5  Labor Day Holiday -- Campus Closed
September 11  Sunday School Rally Day
September 18  Youth room Dedication, MS/HS Open House
September 24   LiveUCF Gala, Prince of Peace
September 24   Stronger: A Walk to Save Hearts and Minds, UCF Memory Mall
October 15   Oktoberfest at Trinity
October 22  Sam Hoard Memorial Golf Tournament
October 31  Reformation Day (499th)
November 5   Touch A Truck Community Event and Fundraiser
November 20  Congregation Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner
November 24-25 Campus Closed
November 24   Thanksgiving Day Worship 10am
December 2  Downtown for the Holidays Tree Lighting Event, Lake Eola
December 24   Christmas Eve Worship
December 25  Happy Birthday Jesus

To Be Scheduled:  Fall Servant Events, BLESS workshop

Trinity Downtown | The Ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church & School 
407-488-1919 | [email protected]