Our summer VBS experience actually began back in January when many Trinity members received a little plastic bottle filled with sand, shells, and an invitation to be part of this exciting Christ-centered and child focused annual ministry.  As we gathered together then, and in each subsequent large or small group meeting, there was a sense of anticipation and desire to be used by God to nurture the faith walk of each child who He brought to us. Many people working together with a common goal helped us put together a wonderful VBS for our children and for the children in our community.

VBS is a labor-intensive endeavor, but so hugely worth it as the scheduled week in June finally arrived. We saw so many young faces lighting up as songs, dramas, games, experiments, and snacks all were woven together by faithful volunteers with diverse gifts to tell the story that no matter what we face in life, Jesus rescues us.

A major focus during the week was the encouragement the children received to “Watch for God” in the ordinary moments of daily life. They shared powerful stories filled with faith each morning in our openings. As one of the co-directors, I felt and saw God’s presence time and time again. We had a need for many supplies and whenever we posted that need, the Trinity family provided abundantly. Gorgeous decorations were created and expertly transformed out sanctuary into a castaway island. When there was an unexpected absence or need for support, someone on the team would step up and help everything flow smoothly. Our Praise Team and worship leaders, Faith and Lina, were a delight each day as they skillfully led each song and invited little children to come join them “onstage”. God was not at all silent, or anonymous, during our week of VBS…He showed up in a myriad of wonderful ways.

In the Imagination Station, I think the best God sighting was the fact that the children felt safe and secure enough that they were willing to share openly about what their personal worries and concerns were as we discussed each Bible point for the day. They then willingly accepted that God will take that worry and struggle from them, forgive them, and accept them back so that they can live free from those worries and be his children again.

Gail Wilkosz

My favorite “God Sighting” was during the Bible time. It was Thursday and the emphasis was on the fact that our righteousness was as filthy rags. Patty was handing out black cloth to each student so they could hang their sins on the cross where Jesus took the punishment for our sins. As Patty got to our group one of the boys looked at me and said, “You have sin too.” I had to agree with him and took a black cloth so I could hang it on the cross to be forgiven too. It is wonderful that these young children grasp the idea that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness.

Anne Trapp

For our Bible Discovery time, during the story of Jesus in Gethsemane, into the classroom came a 6 foot tall soldier (costumed), and in a gruff voice said, “Where is Jesus?  Have you seen him?”  One little boy jumped up, and said “NO, you can’t take him!”   To him, it was REAL, and happening right them, not just a story of what happened 2000 years ago.  

Gladys Dittmer

Thank you, parents, for allowing us to come alongside you and be part of your child’s faith walk.  Trinity family for everything you lovingly and faithfully contributed-time, talent, and treasure-to making this wonderful adventure a reality.


What’s next for fun and fellowship at Trinity?  Join us on Friday, June 20 for GAME NIGHT!  Pack up a board game or two and head down to Trinity on Friday, July 20 from 6-8pm for Game Night. Enjoy a hot dog supper in Fellowship Hall followed by fun and frivolity with board games in the gym, “Minute-to-Win-It” competitions, and more. Fun for all ages, and all are welcome.Hope you’ll join us – and bring someone new. Please RSVP to TLC@TrinityDowntown.com or 407-488-1919 x101 by July 16 so we know how much food to prepare.  



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