Trinity’s 20s/30s

  college+groupTrinity is home to lots of young people: singles, newly married, young families, etc.  We of course engage in all the ministries of Trinity, but once in a while, we like to break away and enjoy time together.
“Fellowship, fun, & connections are what we are after.”

Trump Mission Society

When we gather together to fellowship, we do so under the umbrella of the Trump Mission Society – TMS for short. Basically its a fun name for us as we hang out and keep updated on our missionaries at Trinity.  We gather somewhere around town, hang out, share stories, update each other on life, and Pastor Billy updates everyone on what’s going on at Trinity and where we can connect. We also are the group that plans and executes the “Trump Mission Society Gala” – an event that happens every two years that raises awareness and fund raises for our missionary family to Kenya – The Trumps.  More info on that event coming soon.

Upcoming TMS Events:

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